2019 Preseason Trips: Intense Preparation and Team Building

Members of Boys’ Varsity Crew row on the Tampa Bypass Canal during their preseason trip. Photo courtesy of Nate Kraus


While most Choate students relaxed over their spring break, athletes preparing for the upcoming spring season trained all over the United States. From Florida to Nevada, spring sports teams including Girls’ and Boys’ Lacrosse, Girls’ and Boys’ Crew, Boys’ Baseball, and Boys’ Tennis used preseason training trips both to improve athletic skill and to get a headstart on team bonding.

Girls’ Lacrosse had a successful preseason in Mesquite, Nevada. There, they completed preseason training through Trilogy Lacrosse, an organization that runs many camps. They participated in two practices and one scrimmage each day. Girls’ Lacrosse captain Julia MacKenzie ’19 explained, “Kayla O’Connor, a professional women’s lacrosse player, was a guest coach for that week and led some practices and helped us with our stick skills.

Also, because of the their unique location in the Southwestern United States, members of the team took advantage of their surroundings and visited the neighboring states of Arizona and Utah. At different locations, they took a break from lacrosse to hike at outdoor parks in the area.

On the other side of the nation, Boys’ Crew visited Tampa, Florida, for a week. Notorious for their grueling practices and tight-knit team atmosphere, Choate Boys’ Crew worked hard to hone their skills and forge a team bond to carry themselves through the season. The team rowed on the Tampa Bypass Canal, a long, flat stretch of water, twice each day. Their day began at 6:45 a.m. when they left the hotel to drive to the Canal, and the team practiced from 7:30 to 10:00 in the morning, until it came time for them to eat lunch at the University of Tampa. After a short break, the team was back on the water, rowing from 2:00 p.m. until dinner time. After practices, the team bonded over dinner at UTampa and nearby restaurants.

Girls’ Crew also headed to the University of Tampa, where they shared space with the Canadian National Rowing Team. The girls participated in early morning and afternoon practices at the same location as the boys’ team, a location that happened to have alligators. During breaks, most girls rested and hydrated after practicing in the draining heat. Co-captain Arsh Sekhon ’19 explained that morning practices were dedicated to longer, steady paces of distances around 25,000 meters. She noted, “We focused a lot on technique. In the afternoon, we would do more competitive race pieces where it’s focused on time rather than going far distances.” Although the 30,000 meter rowing routes and practice pieces honed the rowers’ endurance, perhaps just as valuable as the time on the water was the bond the team developed. The team participated in a donut night, a water pong night, a movie night, a giant team hangout, dinner at a market place, and a speech night during which captains gave speeches to their teammates.

Sekhon explained, “This year, I think the preseason trip really put the team on a high for the season. Everyone is just so happy to be around each other. Crew has always felt like a tight-knit family, almost ‘cult like’, but the team vibe both during preseason and currently is just incredible, on a whole new level.”

Boys’ Baseball returned to last year’s preseason location: Vero Beach, Florida. The team’s coach, Mr. Scott Wosleger, recalled, “Vero works well for us because of the outstanding weather and the ability to play other, very competitive teams from around the country.”

The team competed in games at the Historic Dodgertown Baseball Complex, the same facility that the Los Angeles Dodgers used to work out in during past spring trainings. Conveniently, the Dodgertown organization arranged all games and practices. The gorgeous complex is also close to where the team stayed. The team woke up to breakfast in the hotel, practiced from 10 a.m. to noon, and finished with a game in the afternoon.

When they weren’t on the field, players and coaches went to the pool and the beach.They even attended a Major League Baseball spring training game. Wosleger said, “Overall, the amount of baseball we get in Vero Beach allows us to improve our skills, evaluate new players, and make great progress towards our regular season schedule.”

Boys’ Tennis headed to Saddlebrook Resort in Tampa, Florida, for their spring break. “While it’s a resort, it’s also a tennis academy where numerous pro players go to train. The team has gone to Saddlebrook many times before, so it was an easy choice to go again,” said captain Parth Mody ’19. The team played for three hours in the morning and two in the afternoon. The hot and humid conditions did not allow the team to play more than that, but the practice time was valuable, nonetheless. Off the court, the team bonded over dinner and enjoyed the resort’s pool.

Choate’s spring preseason trips allowed teams to sharpen their skills and bond as a team. The hard work athletes put in over their spring break will hopefully pay off in the season ahead.


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