Boys’ Lacrosse Goes Virtual

Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse had an impressive record of 12-4 last year.
Photo courtesy of Choate Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse Instagram

However upsetting it is for student-athletes to be benched by the coronavirus pandemic, the members of Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse have exhibited intense companionship in recent weeks, pledging to stay committed to their sport and uphold the same camaraderie they share during the offseason. 

To do this, their coaches have set up a Microsoft Teams group through which they post their daily workouts in order to keep building strength and continue improving their skills during quarantine. Each week, Head Coach Mr. Ethan McDonnell sends the team their weekly workout routine, which ranges from sprints to weight-lifting. The first workout of the season was designed specifically to time their 1.5-mile runs and test their maximum pull-ups, broad jumps, and pushups. 

The workouts are designed to mimic the team’s schedule during a regular season. Every day, the team is required to complete a different set of exercises. On Saturdays, the boys have “team compete” days in which they split into three teams and compete against each other in a series of different challenges. According to Austin Small ’21, there are “different tests each week, but they always include a physical test and then a wall ball skill test.” At the end of their workouts, the players submit recordings of themselves completing the challenges to a Microsoft Teams folder. These competitions are meant to simulate the pressure and competitive spirit of an actual lacrosse game. 

In addition to the workout programs, the team has also implemented Zoom video chats on Friday nights. These “team dinners,” imagined and organized by the players themselves, are an attempt to maintain team morale during the pandemic. The team has also had, “many other team zoom calls to install [their] offensive and defensive sets,” said Small.

Although the team has been keeping in touch through these Zoom calls, some are still disappointed that they will not be having the season they had been looking forward to. “I am incredibly disappointed. I have worked for 12 months in preparation for the season, and I am not even able to play with my teammates,” said Alex Reitman ’22. “But even though this situation is terrible, it is a blessing to have such a tight-knit team.” 

Through strong leadership, skill, and a determined work ethic, the seniors left a lasting impression on the underclassmen. JP Rush ’21 said, “The seniors were a very special group that rallied around one another. Their determination throughout the school year motivated us underclassmen to get to work as we had many goals we planned to achieve during what would have been their senior season.” 

However, the seniors are not letting the loss of their last season deter them from improving their skills and connecting with their teammates. Cooper Leonard ’20 said, “This team and more importantly this program is honestly something that is special to me, and as a senior I am grateful that our staff and my teammates haven’t given up. I am excited to keep working with my coaches and am also looking forward to staying in contact with my brothers via our virtual league.” 

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