Networking Series Connects Students with Alumni

On January 19, The ChoateNexus Networking Series held its second event via Zoom, which covered the medical field. The Alumni Relations team organized the networking series in hopes to connect students early to alumni involved in different career fields. 

The most recent event hosted eight doctors from different medical fields, including pathology, dentistry, medical residency, pediatrics, emergency services, global health, oncology, and neurosurgery. In each of the two 25-minute sessions, the doctors talked about their journey, shared helpful resources and contact information, and answered many questions. 

The event provided the participants with access to alums who are accomplished in their field, giving the audience an opportunity to seek advice. This allowed current students to obtain valuable experience and knowledge about their field of interest. 

“Overall, I felt like the event was useful, as they had alums from several fields of medicine. I learned a lot about daily life as a pediatrician and an oncologist and how Choate will prepare me for a future career,” said Alyssa Jaster ’23. As she looks forward to pursuing a career in pediatric oncology, she now knows, “medicine is the right path for me.”

Fifth-form dean and Associate for Alumni Engagement Mr. Will Gilyard ’98 hopes that the networking series will help participants create their own network of Choate alumni that they can tap into later in their life. “As an alum myself, I have been lifted up by Choate alums and have helped lift Choate alumni, and knowing that this affinity group exists and are willing to support each other is amazing,” he said. “I want our current students and young alums to feel that sense of pride and responsibility.”

Nina Kulkarni ’23, who learned about emergency medicine, appreciated the diversity of the doctors who spoke. She said, “I also enjoyed that many alumni were there, either those who were in college and deciding how to pursue a career in medicine or alumni who had completed medical school and were in residency or in practice.” 

The Alumni Relations Office hopes to continue to provide learning and networking opportunities to students interested in other fields. As of now, a health and wellness networking event is planned in February, arts in March, tech in April, and law in May.

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