First Hurrah and 3/4 Return

Graphic by Yujin Kim ’23/The Choate News

Scheduled for May 7, the 3/4 Spring Ball and First Hurrah are just around the corner. The 3/4 Spring Ball, typically held in May, is a dance specifically for sophomores and freshmen. First Hurrah, on the other hand, is a special dance held for juniors and seniors that traditionally takes place 100 days before graduation. Though members of the SCOPE (Student Committee on Programming and Engagement) Events Team and the SAC (Student Activities Center) planned for First Hurrah to take place during February, as per tradition, the School was forced to postpone the event due to the rapid rise of Covid-19 cases on campus. Now with a more stabilized Covid-19 situation, the Events Team and the SAC were able to reschedule First Hurrah and the 3/4 Spring Ball for Saturday, May 7. “The biggest importance is that we want our students to start having fun and bring back traditions,” said Director of Student Activities Ms. Alexandra Long.

Hardships and obstacles were ever-present in planning  these events. “Securing dates was a difficult task because we had to push the First Hurrah a couple of times. We had to find a Saturday that worked for every form that did not collide with other events on campus,” explained  Ms. Long.

Another obstacle was finding a location for the 3/4 Spring Ball. Since First Hurrah and the 3/4 Spring Ball would traditionally both take place in Hill House, organizers of the event had to account for the location of the events. As a result, First Hurrah will take place in its traditional location in Hill House, while the 3/4 Spring Ball has been moved to the Remsen Arena.

Though Covid-19 cases have decreased and stabilized around campus, the Events Team and the SAC had to consider pandemic protocols when organizing First Hurrah and the 3/4 Spring Ball. Under typical circumstances, food, such as a chocolate fountain and snacks, is provided to make the dance even more enjoyable. However, to ensure that students remain masked during the event, plans were instead shifted to remove food from the event altogether. As a consolation, there will still be refreshments for the avid dancers who need to quench their thirst and candy bars for students to grab on their way out. 

Despite these challenges set by the pandemic, the Events Team and the SAC are planning on creating the best possible experience for students. Ranging from decorations and maintenance of the party locations, they have also planned other activities that aim to add variety to each dance, such as a photo booth and party favors such as sunglasses, glow-sticks, and even bubbles. 

Students are extremely appreciative that such events are returning to campus since many have not yet had the chance to experience a dance at Choate because of the strict pandemic restrictions in these past two years. “I had always looked forward to First Hurrah since frehsman year, and since it’s a special event for upperclassmen. I’m super grateful for SCOPE’s hard work to bring it back. It will certainly be a memorable experience,” noted Sofia Muñoz ’23. 

Despite the postponement this year, the influence of the pandemic, and many other obstacles, First Hurrah and the 3/4 Spring Ball will finally take place this term, and this is thanks to all of SCOPE and the SAC’s hard work. 

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