Photo courtesy of Ms. Emily Kaplan

Hall is a vivacious fourth and fifth form girls dorm conveniently positioned above the dining hall. It has easy access to all of the amenities that the Hill House complex has to offer. The dorm features a spacious central common room that spans both of its floors, with stairs leading up to a balcony that overlooks the main space. 

According to two-year Hall resident Chloe Chan ’23, the layout gives this mid-size dorm a “smaller feeling, because everyone is always near each other— that really helps to foster community.” The Hall girls also enjoy study-hours acapella concerts from the balcony, turning the dorm into their own version of a concert hall. 

Chan appreciates that, while the group of people in Hall has changed drastically during her two years in the dorm, the dorm has never had trouble finding the “dynamic that works for us.” She credits the insightful and interesting group of faculty advisors — Ms. Tiffany Rivera, Mr. Zach Kafoglis, and Ms. Emily Kaplan — as the main reason why Hall consistently attracts a good, community-oriented crowd of girls. 

“There’s never really a night when we’re not looking forward to a specific advisor being on duty. I enjoy every advisor no matter what day it is, they’re all so chill,” Chan said. Ultimately, Hall is the place to be for those who enjoy feeling a strong sense of interconnectedness with their dorm, advisors and fellow housemates alike.

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