Mr. Charles Evans

Photo courtesy of Charles Evans

Since 2019, Mr. Charles Evans has worked as the Choral Director, conducting both Chamber and Festival Chorus and mentoring students one-on-one, especially those in the Arts Concentration program. 

“One of my most important roles was working with [Arts Concentration students],” explained Mr. Evans. “Many of them aspire to have some sort of a music career, so I thoroughly enjoyed guiding them.” During his time at Choate, Mr. Evans introduced changes to the choirs and student experiences as singers. He expressed his excitement at singers taking their skills to higher levels, saying, “During my first year teaching, few students in the choirs would choose music as a major in college, and I’m proud to say that there have been six or seven since I got here.” 

Members of both Chamber and Festival Chorus attested to Mr. Evans’ impact at Choate. Harper Knight ’23 said, “He really helped me improve as a singer in terms of sight-reading and vocal technique.” Helena Burger ’24 added, “Mr. Evans is a really supportive and enthusiastic chorus teacher, and I’m so glad I’ve had the chance to know him over the past two years.”

Mr. Evans will be returning to being a freelance artist, which was his full-time career before coming to Choate. “I knew at the time that I wanted to slow down and be at one place, and Choate presented that for me.”After three years at Choate, Mr. Evans is ready to return to that lifestyle. He shared, “It’ll be therapeutic for me to be on stage again, and there will be some rejuvenation from that artistic expression.”

Although many are excited about Evans’ new path, his presence will undoubtedly be missed in chorus. Chloe Benson ’24, a member of the festival chorus, shared, “Choate will be missing great energy, positive spirit, and an all-around great voice coach when Mr. Evans leaves.”

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