Say Hi to Our Newest Community Safety Officers

Mr. Emmett Brayton

Mr. Emmett Brayton, a Connecticut local from nearby Middlefield, is one of the newest additions to Choate’s Community Safety team. Although Mr. Bray- ton has only been working here for a few months, he has come to really love and appreciate the campus community. “There is a lot of diversity, a lot of extracurriculars, a lot of community involvement and I think that’s very important to me,” he shared. “It gives me a sense of responsibility to work on this campus, and I’m really thankful for the great community of people.”

As a big sports fan and ac- tive gym rat, Mr. Brayton loves

to stop by athletic games during his shifts to cheer on Choate’s sports teams. He said, “I see people playing basketball, lifting. I see people wave, smile, and say ‘Hi.’ I enjoy looking at the trophies as I walk down the hallway. There’s always some- thing going on in there.” Thus, foot patrolling down the halls of the Worthington Johnson Athletic Center (WJAC) is naturally one of his favorite activities.

At the same time, the freedom, flexibility, and responsibility of being a Community Safety officer also make his job so special. “It’s great. There are a lot of responsibilities, but there’s also a lot of independence. There’s a lot of time when you are able to organize your schedule, prepare, and do things the way you want,” Mr. Brayton said. “Free food at the dining hall is a plus, too.”

Most importantly, however, Mr. Brayton loves being able to interact with Choate students. “I just enjoy walking around and seeing all the kids playing sports or eating in the dining hall,” he shared. “I’m starting to know some of them on a first- name basis. The hockey guys, for example, need me to unlock their locker room all the time. They’re nice to me.”

Mr. Tremayne Kassim

As a former Kent School Community Safety team member, Mr. Tremayne Kassim has been working in the security field for around five years now. Despite having been at Choate for a mere three weeks, his familiarity with boarding schools has made him a friendly and welcoming presence on campus.

Mr. Kassim first decided to work in security as a way to pass the time while pursuing his studies. For the past two years, he has been majoring in computer information systems and minoring in cybersecurity at Post University in nearby Waterbury. With an interest in computing since a young age, Mr. Kassim is most captivated by the constant evolution of technology.

“I feel like with computers there’s always something to learn. Technology is always evolving and it’s that feeling of always having something to learn,” he said. After completing his studies, he plans to pursue a path in cybersecurity.

Mr. Kassim’s favorite patrolling spot on campus is the Student Activities Center (SAC) because of its resemblance to a college town. “St. John itself is a very comfortable place,” he explained. “When you go in there, it’s like a little college town with the faculty lunch areas and everything. It’s just such a nice place to be.”

While working hard to keep the campus safe, Mr. Kassim has also been able to make many friends on campus. “It’s a lot of fun. Working with my coworkers, trying to make up stories, playing games like ‘Which Starburst is the best Starburst? The yellow or the pink?’ It’s all fun and games,” he said.

Like Mr. Brayton, he is most enthusiastic about the opportunities for student interaction that his position as a Community Safety officer provides. “I feel like all the students come from a different walk of life, and I like to learn where they come from and who they are,” he said.

Our Community Safety officers play an integral role in ensuring the safety and security of our campus and community. The next time you’re crossing the sidewalk, simply strolling by, or in dire need of assistance when a building is locked, be sure to wave and say “hi” to our lovely guardian angels. You will be sure to spot them sporting their bright yellow vests!

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