Quarantined with Choate’s Spring Athletes

The switch to virtual learning had not just affected students in the classroom but on the field as well. How are athletes keeping their bodies in shape and maintaining their skills while being stuck at home and unable to get within six feet of another person? Over the past couple of weeks, reporter Naomi Fleisch ’22 spoke with several suddenly sidelined Choate athletes to understand how they are staying fit during off-campus social isolation. 

 Naomi Fleisch: How are you training for your sports at home?

Sarah McAndrew ’20 – Lacrosse: I’ve been running outside for at least three miles each run, and I have been doing ab workouts. Also, I play wall ball for lacrosse, and I just run through the different sequences we normally do in practice. 

 NF: Did your coach assign any specific exercises, or are you making your own workout plan?

Damian Carrano ’22 – Track: I have been working with a strength coach outside of school on my personal workout plan. I have been lifting weights, doing new drills, watching film, running, and desperately trying to dunk.

 NF: Do you find it harder to push yourself when nobody is watching?

Gina Driscoll ’20 – Lacrosse: It’s definitely not as easy to independently motivate myself, but I keep my teammates in mind and the goals I set for myself. Whenever I think of those things, it makes it easier to go the extra mile. I am driven by my want to get at least 1% better every day and prepare myself in the best way possible for collegiate athletics.

 NF: Are you focusing more on conditioning or strengthening your skill set for your specific sport?

Morgann Skoda ’20 – Lacrosse/Hockey: I am focusing on both, really. I personally need to improve my cardio more than anything else, so I go jogging sometimes. I also do a lot of field and ice skills like taking shots in my basement for hockey and playing wall ball for lacrosse.

NF: Do you practice or work out with any of your family members?

MS: I have an ice rink in my backyard that I’ve been going on to play hockey the past few days when it’s been frozen enough. I usually play with my little brother. I’ve also gone on bike rides when it hasn’t been too cold.

NF: How are you training for your sport at home? Do you practice with siblings/parents or by yourself?

 Eli Levesque ’23- Baseball: I have to be more creative and resourceful with my workouts because I don’t have access to a gym, so I’ve been doing a lot of prison-style/bodyweight exercises like push ups progressions, squat variations, and core work. I’m also working on my speed and explosiveness, so a lot of sprints, agility work, and dynamic jumping. When I can I still try to keep my arm healthy and throw a baseball with my brother, but I’m mostly working on my own.

NF: Are you using this extended break to focus more on conditioning or strengthening your skill set for your specific sport?

Renee Jiang ’22- Crew/Volleyball: Since I have so much free time, I think it is a great opportunity for me to target the muscles that I think are weak every other day, so I have been doing more cardio based for one day and then the other I target a muscle group, especially my arms. For volleyball, our team has been doing more volleyball targeted workouts like strengthening quads, glutes, and core.

NF: Do you find it harder to push yourself as an athlete when no one is watching? What drives you to improve as an athlete when nobody is watching?

Darcy Rodriguez ’21- Volleyball: Personally, I do not find it difficult to push myself when I do work out, it’s just a little hard to get started when I am not on a strict schedule like at Choate. Since we are home, people are always saying “you have so much time” but really, I find that time really flies by and I do not end up doing as much as I thought. It’s easier to waste time at home. I really want to make varsity next year, so that really drives me to improve and keep working hard. 

 NF: What do you miss most about participating in sports at school?

Bo Goergen ’22 – Baseball: I definitely miss the team atmosphere. Being part of a team at school gives you a group of friends that are just as passionate about your sport as you are. Hanging out with my teammates during practice is always the best part of my day, so it’s tough not being able to do that. I’m looking forward to the next sports season at school.

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