Articles by: Helen Ryan '24

Covid-19 Exacerbates Latin America’s Food Crisis

Covid-19 Exacerbates Latin America’s Food Crisis

December 16, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Graphic by Yujin Kim ’23 Covid-19 is not the only pandemic that Latin America is facing. Latin America’s nutrition crisis has grown increasingly worse over the past year, and unfortunately, Covid has not helped the situation. In just the past year, the number of people without access to adequate foodRead More

Facebook’s Rebranding to ‘Metaverse’ is an Unacceptable Ploy

Facebook’s Rebranding to ‘Metaverse’ is an Unacceptable Ploy

November 12, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Graphic courtesy of Brian Yip ’24 The app that has almost 1.9 billion users on a daily basis — you guessed it, Facebook — has undergone a rebranding, but has anything really changed? The new name, “Metaverse” represents a new era in Facebook technology. But while a new name mayRead More