Articles by: The Choate News

Counseling Office Initiates Support Groups

Counseling Office Initiates Support Groups

January 22, 2024 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Addy Hawthorne ’27 Although the Counseling Office has traditionally focused on one-on-one meetings with students, they introduced a new approach this year. Three times per week during the fall term, Psychology teacher and counselor Ms. Tiffany Rivera led 45-minute-long mental health and wellness support groups for students. “At theRead More

On The Fringes of The Fringe Festival

On The Fringes of The Fringe Festival

January 22, 2024 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Nilan Kathir ’25 For the 12th year, the annual Fringe Festival will feature student writers, directors, and actors in a series of original plays. Students are steeped in the rehearsal process in preparation for their performances on February 8-9 in the Gelb Theater. This year, Fringe is hosting fourRead More

Students Feel Holiday Spirit at Tiz the Season

Students Feel Holiday Spirit at Tiz the Season

January 22, 2024 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Eliana Li ’26 Tiz the Season, founded by Math teacher and holiday connoisseur Mr. Marquis Tisdale, has become a cherished tradition among the Choate community. Taking place during the final stretch of Winterlude between the Thanksgiving and winter breaks, the event landed on December 12 this year and markRead More

Wallingford’s Winter Wonderland

Wallingford’s Winter Wonderland

January 22, 2024 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled
Funding Falsehoods: Super PACs’ Effect on Politics

Funding Falsehoods: Super PACs’ Effect on Politics

December 11, 2023 at 3:47 pm Comments are Disabled

By Arjun Pathy ’25 Democracy will continue to be up for sale as long as we fail to recognize the corporate-centric nature of campaign contributions. Despite stringent regulations on individuals’ political contributions, the regulatory structure for money funneled through Super PACS (Political Action Committees) is, at best, inadequate. In aRead More

Ghostwriting and its Corruption of the Writing Industry

Ghostwriting and its Corruption of the Writing Industry

December 11, 2023 at 3:46 pm Comments are Disabled

By Francesca Howard ’26 The core issue of ghostwriting can be summarized in one word: dishonesty. Paying someone else to pass off their words as your own without giving proper credit is dishonest. Ghostwriting misleads audiences about who created the content they consume, and this is especially problematic when theseRead More

Superfood or Superscam?

Superfood or Superscam?

December 11, 2023 at 3:37 pm Comments are Disabled

By Sophia Liao ’25 Superfoods. Think expensive, exotic grains, powders, and berries extracted from the finest grounds and flown in from halfway around the world. They line the walls of nearly every grocery store and have blown up on social media in the last couple of decades with radical claimsRead More

Nichols’s Holiday Playlist

Nichols’s Holiday Playlist

December 11, 2023 at 3:32 pm Comments are Disabled

By Ava Hult-Falk ’27 Since my return to campus from fall break, I have been pleased to hear holiday carols constantly ringing in the hallways of Nichols dormitory. Inspired by this melodic backdrop and my own holiday spirit, I, along with my Nichols dormmates, have created a Christmas playlist withRead More

Secularization of Holidays Builds Inclusivity

Secularization of Holidays Builds Inclusivity

December 11, 2023 at 3:28 pm Comments are Disabled

By Nilan Kathir ’25 As winter break approaches, the air at Choate has filled      with holiday spirit from Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and more. These holidays are very important to their respective religious communities, but in recent years, the nature of these holidays has changed. By moving away fromRead More