Arts & Leisure

Decennial Review Asks Arts Department to Examine Thyself

January 17, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

While teachers have regular course evaluations, each of Choate’s academic departments reflect upon their curricula, programs, teaching methods, and all other facets of the department in a holistic internal review every ten years. The Arts department has recently completed its one year of internal reflection and welcomed a panel ofRead More

Maestro Phil Ventre Announces Retirement

December 19, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Over the past fifty years, Mr. Phil Ventre, Director of Orchestral and Jazz Ensemble, has cultivated a passionate community of musicians across Choate campus.  Mr. Ventre comes from a long line of musicians, and music has played a central role in his own life. As a result, he aspires toRead More

From ballet to flamenco, SCS featured a wide range of dance styles. Photo by Nate Krauss/The Choate News

Student Choreographers Explore Movement Through Works of Famous Choreographers

December 19, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Colony Hall was alive with energy and celebration on December 7 and 8 as Choate students, families, and faculty trickled in to see the Student Choreographers Showcase (SCS). Students taking part in the Dance Composition class, along with a group of dancers working independently throughout the fall term, choreographed andRead More

L.A.S.H. and Sin Mullet, Choate’s Newest Bands

November 15, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Two new student bands have appeared in the thriving music scene at Choate: LASH and Sin Mullet, both of which have recently performed in all-school meetings.  LASH, founded by Ore Tejuoso ’21, is an acronym for the four member’s initials: L for Luwa, the stage name of vocalist and leaderRead More

Clue: On Stage i s based on the 1985 movie that was inspired by the board game. Photos by Ryan Kim/The Choate News

Behind the Scenes: A Q&A with the Casts of Choate’s Latest Theater Productions

November 15, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

What revisions has the cast made to the original musical that made it unique to Choate/your performance? “We definitely stripped back the show for the Gelb stage, which I loved. I think the classic simplicity really helped our production to be especially intimate. This was important in the smaller space,Read More

Senching Hsia '21's grandfather encouraged her to pursue the arts. Photo by Derek Ng/The Choate News

Arts Concentration Feature: Senching Hsia ’21

November 15, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On Wednesday, October 20, all ten Visual Arts Concentration students travelled to New York City. OnThe students left Wednesday afternoon, theyto visited the Guggenheim Museum, and. oOn Thursday, they toured the Met before returning to Choate that night. The trip juxtaposed the Met’s classical and historical art with the Guggenheim’sRead More

Every Sunday afternoon, returners and newcomers practice Ultimate for two hours. Photo courtesy of Ross Mortensen

Not-So-Lazy Sundays with Varsity Ultimate Frisbee

November 1, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Varsity Ultimate captains Liam Podos ’20, Will Zhu ’20, and Eric Li ’20, along with Head Coach Avery Feingold, have kickstarted the school year by playing pick up ultimate frisbee on Sundays and occasionally throughout the week — even though their team’s season will not begin until the spring term. Read More

Behind The Scenes of Parents’ Weekend A Cappella Performances

November 1, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

With one ensemble decked in blue sweatshirts to another dressed up in black suits, purple accessories, and red outfits, Choate’s five student a cappella groups lit up Colony Hall over Parents’ Weekend with their first performance of the year. The groups performed songs from a variety of genres and timeRead More

Choate's 2017 production of The Addams Family inspired Maxwell Brown '21 to pursue the arts at Choate. Photo by Jenny Guo/The Choate News

Arts Concentration Feature: Maxwell Brown ’21

November 1, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  Maxwell Brown ’21 played Rooster Hannigan in Annie in the third grade. Since then, Brown’s newfound passion for theater blossomed. Today, Brown is a part of Theater Arts Concentration, president of Choate’s all male acapella group the Maiyeros, member of dance company and step-squad, and a stage manager forRead More