Arts & Leisure

Choate Arts Festival: A Cabaret, Gallery Show, and Coffeehouse All In One

October 18, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On October 25, Choate will host its second annual Arts Fest. The event is one of a kind because it encourages and endorses cross-collaboration within the arts. The Arts Fest, started last year by Theater Arts Concentration student Medina Purefoy-Craig ’20, was motivated by Purefoy-Craig’s own lack of interaction withRead More

The Violin Wizardry of Paloma So ’23

October 18, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Years ago, five-year-old Paloma So ’23 went to a concert for the first time. She was awestruck by the sound of the violin, the musicality of the performer, and the ambience of the show. “It was an Anne-Sophie Mutter concert, and from that moment on I begged my mother toRead More

Dance composition Class explores the art of Ballet on New York City Field Trip

October 18, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

This year has proven to be a phenomenal gift to the Choate arts, the dance department included. Along with the sleek new dance studio, students are given the opportunity to broaden their experiences and explore something new. “​Students work cooperatively as both choreographer and dancer to experiment with diverse compositionalRead More

Ms. Tracy Terry took her play and a cast of nine to Scotland last summer.
Graphic by Stella Dubin/The Choate News

Ms. Tracy Terry’s “Forty Shades of Green” Premieres at Edinburgh Fringe Festival

October 11, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  If you have eaten a meal in the Dining Hall in the last few weeks, you might have seen small brochures advertising the upcoming 2020 Choate Fringe Festival, an annual event hosted by the School inspired by the history of such festivals in Scotland and Britain. This past summer,Read More

Mr. Matt McLean Restructures Music Arts Concentration

October 11, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Mr. Matt McLean, Director of the Jazz and Wind Ensembles, plans on making drastic changes to the Music Arts Concentration program this year. Now in its sixteenth year, the program has long focused on the individual improvement of student musicians. Mr. McLean plans to make Music Arts Concentration as collaborativeRead More

Goodwin is part of both Dance and Theater Arts Concentration. Photo courtesy of Emily Goodwin

Arts Concentration Feature: Emily Goodwin ’21

October 11, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  Emily Goodwin ’21 parents took her to see her first Broadway show, The Little Mermaid, when she was three years old. Goodwin was so inspired by it that she enrolled in a community theater program, signed up for voice lessons, and got herself into dance classes. She believes thisRead More

Visual Arts Concentration students participate in a workshop led by Dexterity Press, a letterpress studio.
Photo by Derek Ng/The Choate News

For Annual Artist-In-Residence Program, Visual Arts Concentration Collaborates with New Haven Print Maker

September 27, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

When someone mentions the words “visual arts”, what do you think of? For many students, including Choate’s Visual Arts Concentration (VAC) program members, the first art mediums they think of are graphite pencils, charcoal sticks, or paint palettes. In this term’s VAC field trip, the arts department has arranged visitsRead More

Visual Arts Concentration student Alex Denhart '20 is particularly inspired by artist Catherine Kehoe.
Photo by Jenny Guo /The Choate News

Aided by Oil Paint, Denhart ’20 Dives Deep Into Vulnerability

September 27, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Every day after school, Alex Denhart ’20 is in the Visual Arts Concentration studio, on the second floor of the PMAC, for two hours. While working on her pieces, Denhart listens to music, the world around her becomes a hazy blur, and her sole focus becomes the art.  Denhart findsRead More

Competition for Orchestra Spots at All-Time High

September 27, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Students nervously chat in front of the new Recital Hall in Colony Hall, their heartbeats high as though they just ran up a hill. They are about to audition for one of Choate’s selective music ensembles, and whether new or returning, they are all incredibly apprehensive. Are they ready forRead More