Arts & Leisure

Photo courtesy of Cathryn Stout

Presto! Symphony Orchestra’s Summer Tour Across Italy

September 20, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On June 11, 2019, the day after the 2018 — 2019 school year came to a close, members of the Choate Symphony Orchestra were buzzing with excitement as they prepared to fly to Italy for a concert tour.  The 11 days of culture, art, and music had been anticipated forRead More

Here’s a Clue

September 20, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

A scream echoes through the night. A house buzzing with noise falls silent with a gasp and a cry of horror — there has been a murder! A body lies on the ground, surrounded by six weapons marked by six sets of fingerprints. Who is the murderer? Someone knows. MostRead More

Lexim Music’s One Million Views

September 20, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Lucas Sim ’20 released his song “Cliff’s Edge” featuring Riha in September of 2018, and it has since appeared on multiple media and musical platforms, including Spotify and YouTube, where it generated more than a million views. Sim created the basic demo, which he later sent to vocalist Riha. Together,Read More

Symphony Orchestra to Tour Italy this Summer

May 17, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On June 1, students in the Choate Rosemary Hall Orchestra (CRHO) will leave for a ten-day tour of Italy, performing in Rome, Florence, and Cremona. CRHO has accumulated an impressive list of accomplishments over the years, including performing in Carnegie Hall and the White House. CRHO has been preparing forRead More

Joey Hong ’19's senior project hangs in the PMAC Gallery. Photo by Praj Chirathivat/The Choate News

Maps, Soda Cans, and QR Codes

May 17, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Walk into the PMAC gallery these days and you’ll be greeted with QR codes, a giant non-geographical map, empty seltzer cans, and a full-size table. These pieces of art, among many others in the show, are the work of Joanna Ding ’19, Sarah Gurevitch ’19, Joey Hong ’19, and JeanneRead More

Rent: An Exploration of Love, Fear, and Hope

Rent: An Exploration of Love, Fear, and Hope

May 17, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Yesterday, Choate started staging Rent, the 1996 Broadway rock musical written by Jonathan Larson. Set in New York City’s East Village, the play follows a group of young and impoverished artists struggling to create a life amid the terror of the AIDS/HIV crisis. Rent is unique because of its originalRead More

Diverse Set of Voices Rise for Festival, Chamber Chorus Concerts

May 10, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On Friday, May 3, Choate’s Chamber and Festival Chorus gave a stunning final concert in the Seymour St. John Chapel. Both choirs have been rehearsing since the beginning of the year, proving their tremendous commitment. Their dedication and sincerity showed through the great repertoire, which included an extensive variety ofRead More

One Final Twirl At Choate For Heather Shao ’19, Sadie Jackson ’19, & Anna Ely ’19

May 10, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On May 5, Dance Arts Concentration seniors Anna Ely ’19, Sadie Jackson ’19, and Heather Shao ’19 took the stage for a final time during their collective senior dance recital.   Conceptualized and choreographed entirely by the three seniors, these performances carried an additional personal weight for all of theRead More

Yale’s K-Pop A Capella Group Brings Flavor To Sunday Brunch

May 10, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On May 5, Hangarak, Yale University’s K-pop a cappella group, came to Choate and performed in the dining hall. They sang a mixture of traditional and contemporary Korean music, including a nursery rhyme called “Spring in My Hometown,” “Love Scenario” by iKON, “Spring Day” by BTS, “Dream” by Suzy andRead More