Arts & Leisure

Finding Community in Arts Concentration

April 19, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Arts Concentration, one of Choate’s Signature Academic Programs, allows students to pursue their artistic passions. The program offers a variety of disciplines — visual, music, theater, and dance — into which students can delve. Each division of Arts Concentration has its own set of academic and community expectations. For instance,Read More

Students warm up in the PMAC blackbox  before a recent Rent rehearsal. Photo by Jenny Guo/The Choate News

Rent Challenges Students to Explore Nuances of Social Identifiers

April 19, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

This year’s spring musical, Rent, marks a dramatic change for Choate’s theater program. The former Broadway musical, written in 1996 by Jonathan Larson, follows the lives of eight New Yorkers as they face the growing AIDS crisis. The show, often called a “rock opera,” diverges from past Choate productions inRead More

A Farewell to Blackout Poetry

April 12, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

A couple months ago, I took on the somewhat daunting task of trying to create blackout poetry out of Choate-related texts that seemed forgotten or “boring.” From scouring the student handbook to reading old letters from former headmistress Caroline Rutz-Rees, I hoped to excavate unexpected beauty from the mundane, toRead More

Choate’s Bagpiping Triumvirate Shares on Beauty of the Instrument

April 12, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Finding someone who plays the bagpipes, a rather eccentric instrument that originated in Scotland, feels rare, especially when the play is merely for recreation — most bagpipers play competitively or in Scottish military service. But three members of the Choate community — Crawford Sargent ’19, Cam Kelley ’19, and RoryRead More

Yale’s Twelfth Night Inspires Arts Concentration

April 5, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On March 27, Arts Concentration students went on a field trip to the Yale Repertory Theatre in New Haven. While the main purpose of the field trip was to watch a production of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, students from all areas of the Arts Concentration Program, not just those involved in theater,Read More

Redlitz’s and Sachdeva’s Senior Plays: A Window into Their Souls

Redlitz’s and Sachdeva’s Senior Plays: A Window into Their Souls

April 5, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Their plays may be conceived, written, and directed by just one person, but they’re anything but one-dimensional. Tyler Redlitz ’19 and Simi Sachdeva ’19 have been building their own plays, titled “The Doors Left Shut” and “Forty Minutes” since their junior springs; now, these two playwrights are preparing to presentRead More

Symphony Orchestra Performs for Prospective Students on Spring Visits

Symphony Orchestra Performs for Prospective Students on Spring Visits

April 5, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

This year, prospective students coming to campus for revisit days are in for a treat. As is tradition, the Choate Symphony Orchestra is performing a bright, upbeat piece for families — one that they’ve been perfecting all year. These performances, which have occured on all three revisit days, are sureRead More

Ms. Kalya Yannatos, Director of the Arts, recently choreographed for the Dance Company show. Photo by Jenny Guo/The Choate News

The Face Behind the Arts: Kalya Yannatos

March 29, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  After the dance concert and numerous other art related events each year, people seldom take the time to appreciate the wonderful woman spearheading all of this work — Ms. Kalya Yannatos, the Director of the Arts, or simply, Kalya, as she prefers to be called. Kalya is a sprightly,Read More

Annual Dance Show Leaps Into Audience’s Hearts

March 29, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

The largest and most awe-inspiring dance show of the year had its opening night on March 22. The concert embraced all levels, styles, and types of dances that dedicated Choate dancers and choreographers had to offer. This time, there was a Sunday matinée in addition to the traditional Friday andRead More