Arts & Leisure

Music Theory Students Reflect on Compositions

March 29, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On Tuesday, March 19, some members from the Arts Concentration Chamber Orchestra performed pieces that were composed by students in the Music Theory and Harmony, Honors class taught by Mr. Matt McLean. Sabrina Hsu ’20, Ariel Kim ’20, Christian Boudreau ’20, Kaki Su ’19, and Eliana Kim ’20 performed aRead More

Noises Of spirals into chaos in its second act.
Photo courtesy of Ross Mortensen

Noises Off a Wonderfully Chaotic Affair

February 22, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  This winter’s long-awaited theatrical production, Noises Off, astonished the PMAC recently with its groundbreaking performances. Written in 1982 by Michael Frayn, the play was different than past Choate productions because it involved a play within the play. In Noises Off, a dysfunctional group of actors tries? to put togetherRead More

SoundBOARD: A New Space for Musical Creativity

February 15, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Lucas Sim ’20 and Kiki Kim ’20 introduced Choate’s first music production club, “SoundBOARD” on February 7. With the support of Mr. Matt McLean, music teacher and director of Wind Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble, Sim and Kim created the club to connect different types of musicians and to give studentsRead More

SoundBOARD: A New Space for Musical Creativity

February 15, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Lucas Sim ’20 and Kiki Kim ’20 introduced Choate’s first music production club, “SoundBOARD” on February 7. With the support of Mr. Matt McLean, music teacher and director of Wind Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble, Sim and Kim created the club to connect different types of musicians and to give studentsRead More

Fringe Celebrates Student Work

Fringe Celebrates Student Work

February 15, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Last week, one of winter term’s most awaited shows took place, once again exceeding everyone’s expectations. The Fringe Festival, which originated in 2013, is Choate’s unique tradition in which students stage self-written and directed plays in the Gelb Theater. It is completely student-run, from play selection and casting to setRead More

Black Out: For Lack of a Better Word

Black Out: For Lack of a Better Word

February 15, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

I’m riddled with the plague of self-doubt. Whether I’m in a music practice room or in an empty dance studio, I am always aware of my flaws: be it a missed harmonic on the violin, or an unpointed foot. Even during a performance, when I am supposed to let goRead More

Page From Headmistress Caroline Ruutz-Rees’s letters to Rosemary Hall Girls, Nov. 15, 1905
(from Letters to Rosemary 1905-1906)

Black Out: For Lack of a Better Word

February 15, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  I’m riddled with the plague of self-doubt. Whether I’m in a music practice room or in an empty dance studio, I am always aware of my flaws: be it a missed harmonic on the violin, or an unpointed foot. Even during a performance, when I am supposed to letRead More

Scrapbooks made by Choate and Rosemary Hall alums are now on display in the library. Photo by Pinn Chirathivat/The Choate News

Alumni Memories Bound In Scrapbooks

February 1, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

There is nothing short of magic lingering in the Choate library archives. Each book spine you run your finger across preserves a corner of history waiting to be discovered. Among them is a Rosemary Hall collection of scrapbooks that has rendered memories of past years timeless. Over the summer, severalRead More

Student Directed Scenes Invoke ‘Roller Coaster of Emotions’

Student Directed Scenes Invoke ‘Roller Coaster of Emotions’

February 1, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On January 25 and 26, Student Directed Scenes (SDS), an annual stage production created by students in Directing, was put on in Gelb Theater. Those involved in the show recently reflected on the performance. Ethan Luk ’20, director of a scene from Sarah Ruhl’s Eurydice, is very proud of howRead More