Arts & Leisure

Students performed their final dance, choreographed by Zara Harding ’18, who grounded the piece in Jamaican dance culture.

Student Dedication Shines Through in Dance Concert

March 30, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On March 23 and March 24, Choate held its annual dance concert, a yearly showing of Choate’s dance clubs. Step Squad, Dance Company, Dance History, and Hip Hop began preparing their various performances at the beginning of fall term. Students in the clubs worked with different guest artists, faculty members,Read More

Photographs taken during fall- and winter-term art classes are currently being exhibited in the PMAC.

Student Exhibition Showcases Artwork From Fall and Winter Terms

March 30, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Vibrant colors and textures fill the walls of the PMAC galleries, where student work from the fall and winter terms is currently on display. Faculty and students alike marveled at the pieces at last Friday’s exhibit opening. Featured works include ceramics, digital and film photography, drawing, mixed media, and painting.Read More

Makeup Club Exentuates an Underrated Form of Visual Arts

February 23, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Makeup is a beautiful and awe-inspiring art form. It is a tool in which one’s body is a canvas. Choate’s opportunities for visual artistic creativity such as Art Club, In Moda, and of course the visual art classes are treasured among the visual artists. What about those whose medium isRead More

Wizard of Oz Becomes Readers’ Theater

February 23, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Choate is soon to be surprised by a unique and entertaining yet simple work of theatre that will grace the stage this April, introducing something new to the community at large. It will be a children’s performance of The Wizard of Oz played by Choate students. Ms. Carol Jones, Choate’sRead More

Jeanne Malle ’19, A La Mode’s creator, writes her final column this week. “I’ve come to think of A La Mode as a gi ,” she says.

Farewell, A LA MODE

February 23, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Hi, readers, if you exist. What you’re currently reading is my column, A La Mode. More specifically, however, it is its 18th and very last article. My time as Choate’s fashion reporter has come to an end, for I will soon become this wonderful page’s editor. Although a slightly selfishRead More

Sebastian Chang ’18 sold this piece at the Art Drive on February 12.

The Return of the Art Club Drive

February 23, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On Monday, February 12, Art Club held an Art Drive in the dining hall. The booth was set up in front of the fireplace, in the center of student life. The drive began at 5:00 pm and lasted until 7:30 pm. There were crowds of students and faculty lining upRead More

Fringe Festival Returns to Gelb

February 16, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On February 9 and 10, Choate’s annual Fringe Festival was performed in the Gelb Theater. The Fringe Festival is mostly a collection of short plays, but it also includes comedy acts and music. It is almost an entirely student written, directed, and performed show. This year it was, once again,Read More

Students in the Class of 2017 convened at the St. John Hall to take photos before heading to Last Hurrah.


February 16, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Last week, I was both sad and surprised when I heard that a majority of my friends were unsure whether or not they would attend First Hurrah. I couldn’t imagine why people would skip this event. As someone who enjoys getting dressed with my friends for any high-school tradition orRead More

Kate Newhouse ’18 amazes audience in the fall play, The Illusion.

Senior Priority in Casting? Choate Says No

February 16, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Age and seniority play a big part on Choate’s campus. As a result, underclassmen are often excluded from holding certain positions of greater responsibility, such as School President, prefect, and Assessment Team member. Many people seem to think that these same practices of seniority also apply to the casting ofRead More