Arts & Leisure

A Capella presidents Eben Cook ’18, Tristan Jamidar ’18, Scott Romeyn ’18, and James Rose ’18 (center).

Historic Male A Capella Groups Merge

September 22, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

There is something about the people who create melodies, harmonies, and entire ensembles only utilizing their voices that make students stop and put on hold any activity, thought, or assignment at hand. It is undeniable that a cappella is an important, if not essential, part of campus and student lifeRead More

New faculty, new classes, and new athletic offerings will enlarge Choate’s dance program this year.

Dancing to a New Rhythm

September 22, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

In the past few years, Choate’s dance program has grown immensely. With each new year, the department has welcomed more and more changes. This year is no different; the advancements are expected to shift the program into a new direction of more strength and relevance. One of the biggest changesRead More

Campus Prepares to Transform Art Spaces

September 22, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Students at Choate are fortunate enough to be able to have an extraordinary building like the new St. John Hall Student Center. Yet, many still look to the future and ask, “What’s next?” Currently, Choate’s arts building, the Paul Mellon Arts Center, designed by a world-renowned architect I.M. Pei, servesRead More

Tess Friedman and Charlotte Craig outside of the recent SAC dance.


September 22, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Choate overflows with talented high school students, often acclaimed for being a diverse and original group. Any stranger walking through our campus can recognize the various styles represented, whether they be differentiated according to nationality, interest, or any other defining trait. However, our school has a single recurring event thatRead More

Beyond the Violin: Choate’s Unsung Musicians

Beyond the Violin: Choate’s Unsung Musicians

May 19, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Here at Choate, there are many students who go unrecognized for their skills; this ranges in every aspect of school life. It is easy to forget the individuals who have honed their art on percussive instruments, keeping time and the measure of every beat. It is easy to forget theRead More

Taking a Stand against Sexism in the Music Industry

Taking a Stand against Sexism in the Music Industry

May 19, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  Music is one of most powerful tools in the world. It can influence people’s minds, resonate with them, and inspire hope, peacefulness, energy, and happiness. Unfortunately, in today’s society, that power has been abused. We have become desensitized to the objectifying nature that today’s top hits entail.  In today’sRead More

À La Mode

May 19, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

As my term abroad comes to a close, I feel as though I’ve seen a large majority of the trends in Beijing. Many of them do resemble the ones we have in the West, yet it’s the little and amazingly original ones that caught my eye. The permanently full subwayRead More

New Arts Concentration Members Announced

May 19, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Every spring, a number of students are admitted into the ranks of Arts Concentration. Arts Con, as the program in known, is one of the seven selective signature programs on campus. As Choate’s website puts it, Arts Con is a “program intended for students who are passionate, disciplined and ableRead More

Architect and Friend of Choate, I.M. Pei, Turns 100

Architect and Friend of Choate, I.M. Pei, Turns 100

May 12, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Renowned Chinese-American architect, Ieoh Ming Pei or I.M. Pei, turned 100 years old this past Wednesday. Mr. Pei’s career began when William Zeckendorf, a New York City real estate luminary, recruited him in 1948. Just seven years later, Pei established his own firm called I.M. Pei & Associates in 1955,Read More