Arts & Leisure

À La Mode: Mattie Drucker

February 24, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Although few people dress up for Valentine’s Day (generally only celebrated by happy couples) the outfits and accessories that are worn especially for the day of love always seem to elicit smiles. This year, Mattie Drucker ’17 was one of the rare students who wore a themed outfit. She said,Read More

Wide-Ranging Talent at Student Music Recital

February 24, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

This weekend, on Sunday, February 20, two musical student recitals were held on campus. The first was the piano, voice, and organ recital, situated in the Chapel, at 1:00 p.m. The second was the instrumental recital, taking place in the Recital Hall at the Paul Mellon Art Center at 2:30Read More

Chatting with Kaufman ’10; A Knitting Wonder

Chatting with Kaufman ’10; A Knitting Wonder

February 24, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Caroline Kaufman ’10, a textile designer based in Brooklyn, has recently made the Anthropology catalog with her knitwear designs.  A graduate from the Fashion Design program at the Pratt Institute, Kaufman has been working with Anthropology in knitwear, “I have loved working with them over the past few years becauseRead More

The cast of Fringe sets up props on stage during the tech rehearsal preceding the opening show. The show itself, entirely student- written, directed, and performed, was a success among audience members in all three showings.

Fringe Unhinged: A New View of the Annual Show

February 17, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

There is something to be said about a production run entirely by students; Fringe is distinct from other Choate productions in that it is focuses on pieces written, filmed, directed, and performed by students. An annual tradition at Choate for over twenty years, The Fringe Festival allows kids to takeRead More

Private Protests Prevail

Private Protests Prevail

February 17, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

If you’ve been to the Lanphier Center or elsewhere around campus lately, you’ve no doubt noticed a series of photographs posted on the walls, showcasing significant moments in history that have resounding effects on society today. The student behind this political art requested to remain anonymous, saying, “I don’t wantRead More

In Music We Trust

February 17, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

In Music We Trust, a student organization dedicated to bringing music and happiness to nursing homes in the area, recently held their third concert ever at the Regency House Health and Rehabilitation Center.  Eleven Choate musicians performed for the seniors (in life, not school). Michael Zhou ’18 and Mark SuRead More

Anselm Kizza-Besigye poses in one of his unconventional outfits.

À La Mode

February 17, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Men interested in fashion or dressing unconventionally have almost always been viewed differently than women with similar perspectives. Anselm Kizza-Besigye ’17 agrees with this statement. “I think that dressing unconventionally can alienate guys who live in traditional environments. I can relate to that emotion sometimes when I wear more effeminateRead More

Cast members of The Love of Three Oranges and The Green Bird perform in a dress rehearsal Monday, prepping for audiences coming this weekend.

Choate to Stage Two Winter Plays

February 17, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Choate’s current theatrical director, Ms. Deighna DeRiu, has taken on a challenge unseen before in the realm of the School’s winter term plays. Instead of the traditional long play, DeRiu and a large cast are putting on two. The two plays are The Love of Three Oranges, and The GreenRead More

Students in SDS perform in Graysen Airth's '18 Foreplay or The Art of Fugue (left), Camryn Chester's '17 Bringing Up Lester (top right), and Kate Moore's '17 It's a Small World.

Annual Student Directed Scenes, An Instant Sell Out

February 3, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Like past winter terms, Student Directed Scenes (SDS) returned once again for the annual performance in the Gelb Theater. The event was held on Friday, January 27, and Saturday, January 28, beginning at 7 p.m. However, unlike previous years, it ran for the rare length of two hours and 30Read More