Arts & Leisure

Dr. Hagen Celebrates First Year with Spring Choral Concert

Dr. Hagen Celebrates First Year with Spring Choral Concert

May 1, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

From a Hawaiian rendition of “Over the Rainbow” to the French Canadian folk song “J’entends le Moulin,” students in Choate’s Festival and Chamber Choruses will showcase an exciting range of pieces at the upcoming Choral Concert. Taking place at Seymour St. John Chapel on Friday, May 5, the concert willRead More

Choate Hosts the Hartt Orchestra

May 1, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Every year, Choate audiences have the pleasure of watching professional arts performance groups grace the stage at Ann and George Colony Hall. On Thursday, April 20, Choate hosted the Hartt Orchestra from the University of Hartford for a concert. Under the baton of Dr. Edward Cumming, the Director of OrchestralRead More

Organized Chaos: Backstage of the Spring Dance Concert

Organized Chaos: Backstage of the Spring Dance Concert

April 17, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Every year, student dancers showcase the results of their hard work in the Spring Dance Concert. On stage is a graceful and polished performance; backstage, however, is bursting at the seams with controlled chaos. With over 50 performers in this year’s concert, the dressing rooms were packed. “The energy in theRead More

A Cappella Group Accent Comes to Campus

A Cappella Group Accent Comes to Campus

April 17, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

With their impressive vocal talent and enchanting jazz arrangements, the a cappella group Accent held workshops for Choate’ musicians and performed in Colony Hall during their visit to the School on March 24. Accent is a musical group featuring six vocal artists from five countries. They have released multiple albumsRead More

Oona Yaffe ’23 Appears In New Movie One True Loves

Oona Yaffe ’23 Appears In New Movie One True Loves

April 17, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Oona Yaffe ’23’s acting career did not start immediately with films and movies, but instead on the kids’ cooking show MasterChef Junior. At just age nine, Yaffe joined the show to fuel her budding passion for cooking, which very quickly turned into something much greater. After her appearance on MasterChefRead More

Acapella Groups Riff-Off at Lit Launch

February 27, 2023 at 7:00 am Comments are Disabled

Popularized by the movie Pitch Perfect, acapella riff-offs have found their way to Choate. On February 17, the School’s oldest all-female acapella group, Whimawehs (Whims), and their all-male counterpart, Maiyeros, collaborated on a riff-off performance at a launch party for Choate’s literary magazine, The Lit.  This unique performance opportunity wasRead More

Interactive Painting Combines Visual and Auditory Art

Interactive Painting Combines Visual and Auditory Art

February 27, 2023 at 7:00 am Comments are Disabled

Different art forms have a way of coming together to complement each other. This union is apparent in Paola Diaz del Castillo Rosique ’23’s multimedia painting, Looking for a song to match that feeling.  The piece features conductive paint that transmits electricity with touch. It invites viewers to interact withRead More

Hear from the Stars of the Winter Gelb Theater Trifecta

February 27, 2023 at 7:00 am Comments are Disabled

Every winter, the Gelb Theater in St. John Chapel is bustling with activity. Towards the end of the term, audience members file into the cozy basement performance space to watch the works of directors, actors, writers, and production teams of the Fringe Festival, Student Directed Scenes (SDS), and One-Person Plays.Read More

Who’s on the Keys at Student Recitals?

Who’s on the Keys at Student Recitals?

February 27, 2023 at 7:00 am Comments are Disabled

Photo by Sophia Kim ’24/The Choate News Mr. Nathaniel Baker accompanies violinist Paloma So ’23 in the winter recital. Each term, musicians perform pieces they’ve been practicing at a culminating recital. During the winter recitals held on February 19, students played their works accompanied by pianists Ms. Susan Cheng andRead More