Arts & Leisure

Lomax Tribute Performance Concludes Choate’s 125th in the Arts

Lomax Tribute Performance Concludes Choate’s 125th in the Arts

March 26, 2016 at 9:43 pm Comments are Disabled

Choate alumni musicians celebrated the arts on the PMAC stage on Friday night in a performance commemorating the life of influential folk singer Alan Lomax ’30. The tribute concert also marked a grand finale for the school’s 125th anniversary celebration. Grammy award nominee Tift Merritt ’93 headlined the event, joinedRead More

Zetterberg: Arts Con’s Ray of Light

Zetterberg: Arts Con’s Ray of Light

March 26, 2016 at 9:32 pm Comments are Disabled

Most Choate students have either seen Anika Zetterberg’s ’16 drawings hung in various places around campus or have engaged in lively debates with Zetterberg in class. However, not many have seen the deep and raw passion that Zetterberg unleashes on her sketchpad. A devoted artist since middle school, Zetterberg hasRead More

Sandbox Percussion: Four Corners of a Square

Sandbox Percussion: Four Corners of a Square

March 26, 2016 at 8:24 pm Comments are Disabled

When a group has a name like “Sandbox Percussion,” you know that their show will probably be utterly fascinating. On Friday, October 2, Choate alum Jonny Allen performed with his group, Sandbox Percussion, in the Paul Mellon Arts Center. Throughout the night, the group shattered perceptions of classical percussion withRead More

Manhattan’s “Dryline” Plans

March 26, 2016 at 8:20 pm Comments are Disabled

Picture this: a pathway snakes around the coast of lower Manhattan, winding through picturesque parks and tranquil pools. This pathway would be called the “Dryline,” or a path that protects land from rising seas, thus keeping it dry. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Well, it might become reality. Danish architect BjarkRead More

Arts Concentration Welcomes Its First Dancer

Arts Concentration Welcomes Its First Dancer

March 26, 2016 at 8:19 pm Comments are Disabled

Last spring, Arts Concentration saw the beginning of a new chapter. Welcome with a round of applause our very first dance Arts Con student: Madi Epstein O’Halloran ’18. This sophomore’s talent in dance has astounded her mentors and peers alike. Epstein O’Halloran fell in love with dance at the ageRead More

Gallery Work Features Alumni

Gallery Work Features Alumni

March 26, 2016 at 8:17 pm Comments are Disabled

On a dark and stormy Friday evening, Choate students piled into the Paul Mellon Arts Center (PMAC), lured by the promise of food, warmth, and eye-opening artwork. That night, from 5:30-7:30, Choate held an artist reception for Kari Cholnoky ’06 and Corina S. Alvarezdelugo ’81. Both artists’ work are beingRead More

Blind Artist Sees Paint

Blind Artist Sees Paint

March 26, 2016 at 7:07 pm Comments are Disabled

People often dismiss with incredulity the famous story of music composer Ludwig van Beethoven, who lost his hearing yet continued listening to his own productions by feeling the vibrations of the instruments. It can be hard to believe that anyone could transcend the senses like this, but parallel stories suggestRead More

Acapella Holds Joint Auditions

Acapella Holds Joint Auditions

March 26, 2016 at 7:06 pm Comments are Disabled

Acapella. Choate acapella. It’s always been a thrill for those of us cheering offstage as the Whimawehs, Liliths, Maiyeros, Bella Cantos, or Kaprophones dazzle the crowd with their charisma and lyrical energy. The week of September 3 marked annual acapella auditions, when students from every form sing their hearts out,Read More

Instagram Movement Inspires

March 26, 2016 at 7:04 pm Comments are Disabled

Instagram, an app that a large portion of the Choate student body uses, usually consists of feeds with selfies, snapshots of delicious desserts, and artistic photographs of the beach. Though Instagram was created for amateur photographers to upload their photographs and share them with a community, recently, a group ofRead More