Arts & Leisure

Annett Ho ’18: New and Note-worthy

Annett Ho ’18: New and Note-worthy

March 26, 2016 at 7:04 pm Comments are Disabled

Only three weeks into the school year, Annett Ho ’18 has already left her musical mark on the Choate Arts program. Ho, a new sophomore from Taipei, Taiwan, is a violinist with talent far beyond the normal high school student, an ability that is evident in her playing for theRead More

London’s New “Heartbeat”

March 26, 2016 at 6:24 pm Comments are Disabled

Charles Pétillon, a French artist, is widely known for photographing balloons in different locations and positions. Though his pieces typically sit in lifeless clusters, on August 27, he brought his work to life in London’s Convent Garden Market Building, in a massive piece called “Heartbeat.” The juxtaposition of this modernRead More

Picasso Stuns with MoMA Sculptures

Picasso Stuns with MoMA Sculptures

March 26, 2016 at 6:24 pm Comments are Disabled

Pablo Picasso — renowned painter, inventor of the collage, and founder of the Cubist movement—has been finally featured at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in Manhattan. However, it is not his eccentric paintings that hang on the museum’s walls, but a range of intricate sculptures that had remained hiddenRead More

Bold Clothing Risks at NYFW

March 26, 2016 at 6:22 pm Comments are Disabled

New York City is one of the fashion capitals of the world, and as such hosts an annual—and highly anticipated—fashion week. This year, from September 10 to September 17, in multiple locations throughout Manhattan, New York Fashion Week (NYFW) held fashion shows featuring the collections of some of the mostRead More

Slam Poem Presents Pertinent Social Issue

March 26, 2016 at 6:21 pm Comments are Disabled

In the past few years, art has increasingly become a means by which to comment on social norms. Through her slam poem titled “Gentry-Phi-Cation,” Saroya Marsh, a 26-year-old preschool teacher and youth mentor from the Bronx, NY, has received wide praise for her array of slam poems. Recently, Marsh performedRead More

Robison ’16: Piano Paragon

Robison ’16: Piano Paragon

March 26, 2016 at 6:18 pm Comments are Disabled

Evan Robison ’16 and Celina Lin ’16 captivated the community during last week’s all-school meeting when they premiered Robison’s newly composed classical piece for two, titled A Perfect Breeze.  Not surprisingly, the crowd was enthralled, and Robison and Lin both received standing ovations for their performance. However, it was theRead More

“Heartbeat” by Charles Pétillon

March 18, 2016 at 7:26 pm Comments are Disabled

Charles Pétillon, a French artist, has always been known for photographing balloons in different places and positions. Though his pieces typically sit in lifeless clusters, on August 27 he brought his work to life in London’s Convent Garden Market Building, creating a massive piece called “Heartbeat.” When looking at theRead More