Arts & Leisure

Combat Training and D&D: Preparing for She Kills Monsters

February 9, 2023 at 2:00 pm Comments are Disabled

Choate! Prepare yourselves for an epic fantasy Dungeons and Dragon (D&D) adventure unlike anything you have experienced before. To tackle the monster of a play, the cast of She Kills Monsters by Mr. Qui Nguyen has been rehearsing and training in the art of stage combat. Packed with bugbear fights,Read More

Arts Meets Festivity At The Lunar Banquet

Arts Meets Festivity At The Lunar Banquet

February 9, 2023 at 1:59 pm Comments are Disabled

Photo by Toffy Prakittiphoom ’24/The Choate News  As SYNK, Choate’s K-pop dance group, struck their final pose as the last performance act at the Lunar Banquet, the room erupted in thunderous applause from over 200 Choate students and faculty as they celebrated Lunar New Year on January 20.  The holiday,Read More

Double Bassist Yung Chiao Wei Visits Choate

Double Bassist Yung Chiao Wei Visits Choate

February 9, 2023 at 1:54 pm Comments are Disabled

 Photos Courtesy of Choate Flickr  The double bass is the largest and lowest-pitched instrument of the orchestra string section and takes on a crucial supporting role in the ensemble. Classical bass soloist Ms. Yung Chiao Wei showcased the instrument’s virtuosic qualities on January 20 when Choate welcomed her to ColonyRead More

Spring Musical Auditions, Here We Go Again!

February 2, 2023 at 2:08 pm Comments are Disabled

Every ovation-worthy performance and beloved play or musical starts with an audition. Auditions are critical for those involved in the arts because they grant exciting new opportunities and experiences. However, the high stakes of an audition can often make for a stressful experience.  This year, the Mamma Mia! spring musicalRead More

Jeans: A Love Story of People and Fabric

Jeans: A Love Story of People and Fabric

February 2, 2023 at 2:01 pm Comments are Disabled

Photo Courtesy of Manuela Sepúlveda ’23   170,000 years ago, Neanderthals used clothing as protection from the wilderness. Fast-forward to 21st century Homo sapiens: we now view clothing as far more than just protection, but as an essential part of how we interact with the world and our bodies. SinceRead More

Student Choreographers Take The Floor

Student Choreographers Take The Floor

February 2, 2023 at 1:57 pm Comments are Disabled

Photo Courtesy of David Schamis P’26 Filling three rows of chairs lined up against the back wall of the Colony Hall dance studio, audience members at the annual Student Choreographers’ Showcase (SCS) watched up close as dancers leapt and spun across the floor. SCS, which occurred on December 3–4 underRead More

Choate Theater Performs Mr. Burns Starring The Simpsons

Choate Theater Performs Mr. Burns Starring The Simpsons

December 19, 2022 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

The cast of Mr. Burns performs a scene featuring The Simpsons. While stepping into the Gelb Theater for the fall production, Mr. Burns: A Post-Electric Play, audiences were met with a time-traveling and musical-esque play featuring The Simpsons. Directed by theater faculty member Mr. Bari Robinson and starring nine ChoateRead More

Pottery Joins Arts Concentration

December 19, 2022 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Every day after school, dancers, musicians, actors, and visual artists in the Arts Concentration Program (Arts Con) visit their studios, stages, and practice rooms to hone their crafts. This year, ceramists have joined them in their afternoon artistic endeavors. The ceramics branch in Arts Con was established last year whenRead More

Welcoming New Additions to Choate’s Dance Program

Welcoming New Additions to Choate’s Dance Program

December 19, 2022 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

(Top) Ms. Lynn Peterson teaches Upper-level Contemporary class. (Bottom) Ms. Ricki Stevenson leads plies in ballet class. As the curtains rose on the 2022-2023 school year, dancers met with two new dance faculty members: Ms. Ricki Stevenson and Ms. Lynn Peterson. With Ms. Stevenson teaching ballet and Ms. Peterson teachingRead More