
A Teacher’s Guide to Keeping Students Attentive in Class

January 17, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

After enjoying vacations at sunny resorts and enduring long, jet-lag-inducing flights, returning to campus from break can be disappointing to students. Approaching midterms pile onto the disappointment from the start of school. Fed up with drowsy classes and inattentive students, teachers find creative ways to keep students focused.  Science teacherRead More

Plant-based blondies are a more sustainable option than traditional blondies.
Photo courtesy of AdaptedEats

Inside the Kitchen with EAC: Plant-Based Blondies

January 17, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Choate’s Environmental Action Coalition (EAC) recently held a festive holiday event during which community members could buy plant-based blondies made in the Student Activities Center kitchen. The sale was held in order to promote the mission of the EAC, which is to encourage sustainability and environmental awareness. The EAC usedRead More

Choate students' use of TikTok has risen dramatically since the start of the school year. Graphic by Chandler Littleford/The Choate News

TikTok Craze Hits — And Hurts, Many Say — Choate’s Campus

January 17, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

The use of TikTok, a video sharing app created by a Beijing-based company, has become widespread on the Choate campus, particularly with the underclassmen. Like other social media, TikTok is entertaining, but it can become quite addicting. While some Choate students fully enjoy using the app, others have found itRead More

Students and faculty have been brainstroming ideas for the old Student Activities Center. Graphic by Elaine Zhang/The Choate News

What’s Going on with the Old Student Activities Center?

November 15, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

For three years, the old Student Activities Center (SAC) has been boarded up, leaving many with the question, “What was the old SAC like, and what will happen to the building?” In 1917, a fire broke out in the Worthington Johnson Athletic Center, damaging much of the building. The oldRead More

Names are a large part of our identities; they affect how we view the world and how the world views us.
Photo by Sesame Gaetsaloe/The Choate News

The Story Behind Our Names

November 15, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  Names are an integral part of our lives. They influence personal identity and our relationship with a larger cultural framework. Even though many of us have no control over what our names are (at least, until we reach legal adulthood), they affect how we are viewed in the world.Read More

Playlist of My Life with Filipe Camarotti

November 15, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Music has the power to allow us to feel a variety of emotions. For some people, listening to specific songs holds a deep significance. Mr. Felipe Camarotti, a physics teacher and an adviser to students of color, has always had an appreciation for music. Last week, I sat down withRead More

Faris Alharthy ’20 is a senior from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia — an 11-hour plane ride from Choate. Photo by Jessie Goodwin/The Choate News

International Students: Far from Home, but Finding Their Way

November 1, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  As a school that prides itself on its diversity, Choate is home to students from across the globe. Last week, I had the opportunity to talk with some of Choate’s many international students about their experiences on campus.  When asked what their experience at Choate has been like, responsesRead More

Library Modifications Keep Student Needs in Mind

November 1, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

​If you’ve been to the Andrew Mellon Library this school year, you may have noticed the clear, rectangular box in the reading room covered with a sea of colorful sticky notes. This isn’t a new piece of artwork that the School has invested in — although it does seem toRead More

Choaties Love Uber — but Is the Company Willing to Enforce Its Own Rules to Keep Them Safe?

September 19, 2019 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Every weekend at Choate, after five long days of quizzes, tests, and sports practices, dozens of students head to restaurants and movie theaters in town to relax. With only a small percentage of day students able to drive and rules against  boarding students having cars on campus, the demand forRead More