
Choate Robotics Team Hardwired for Success

March 31, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Every day, one classroom on the first floor of the Lanphier Center is filled with light, conversations, and excitement. This is the Shattuck Robotics Lab, where the members of the Choate Robotics Team energetically build robots and prepare for competitions.  The Choate Robotics Team has a competition number of 6106,Read More

Photo courtesy of Jabali Walli

Student-Run Businesses Support Community

March 31, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

According to Forbes, fewer than 3.6% of businesses are owned by people under 30. An even smaller number of those businesses are owned by high school students. Despite these numbers, there are many on Choate campus who have created their own businesses — making entrepreneurship a facet of campus life.Read More

These rocks, owned by Mr. Jim Yanelli, were once part of the Berlin Wall.

Break Down Barriers, Bring Back Rocks

February 24, 2017 at 6:00 am 1 comment

What would it feel like to tear down — and keep — pieces of history with your very own hands? Perhaps Mr. Jim Yanelli, Choate’s Director of Student Activities, knows. He is in possession of several small chunks of the Berlin Wall, acquired upon the Wall’s fall, in 1989. AtRead More

Paintings, Paintings on the Wall,  Look Around You, History Calls

Paintings, Paintings on the Wall, Look Around You, History Calls

February 24, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Although most famous (or perhaps infamous) for its food, the Hill House Dining Hall holds another purpose: displaying historical art. Atop the fireplace facing the senior section, a circular maritime painting stands peacefully. On the other side of the fireplace perches a rectangular painting with similar themes of ships andRead More

The quiet, scenic Rosemary Lane provides a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of Choate life.

A Walk Down Rosemary Lane

February 24, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Walk up the path between the Science Center and Brownell, and you will find a row of neat, quintessentially New England houses that make up Rosemary Lane, a community of faculty residences, including that of Headmaster Dr. Alex Curtis. But do not be deceived by the apparent monotony of theRead More

We Are Immigrant America

We Are Immigrant America

February 17, 2017 at 6:01 am Comments are Disabled

Ms. Kolina Koleva has been a math teacher at Choate for three years. She is an immigrant from Bulgaria.  In 1989, when I was six, the Berlin Wall fell. We were a socialist country in the 80s, and people mostly complained about things like waiting in line in the coldRead More

Full-time Students’ Part-time Jobs

February 3, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Choate life is, without a doubt, busy and chaotic — students juggle schoolwork, sports, clubs, social lives and (if they’re lucky) sleep. However, some brave souls at Choate have added on an extra layer to the equation: part time jobs. Cammi Chester ’17 currently works at the take-out counter ofRead More

Ms. Nash addresses non-violent resistance in the modern world.

Truth to Power: Venerable Activist Diane Nash Speaks at Yale

February 3, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On Wednesday, January 25, Yale University welcomed Ms. Diane Nash as the keynote speaker of its Annual Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. program, which was open to the public. Two recent Choate alumni, Uzo Biosah ’16 and Esul Burton ’16, who are now Yale students; two Choate faculty,Read More

Keeping Up With the Editors of the Past

Keeping Up With the Editors of the Past

February 3, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Environmental activist. CEO. Journalist. These are just a sample of the professions occupied by former Editors-in-Chief of The Choate News. They have continued the tenets of analytical thinking and professionalism shaped by their time at Choate — though not always in journalism. During Mr. Jim Altschul’s ’78 time at Choate,Read More