
Faculty Sabbaticals: A Fall to Remember

Faculty Sabbaticals: A Fall to Remember

December 15, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Winter term has taken off, and Choate welcomes back four faculty members who have just returned from sabbatical: Ms. Carol Chen-Lin, Ms. Kate Doak, Ms. Fran O’Donoghue, and Ms. Amy Salot. What have they been up to?  Ms. Chen-Lin spent her most recent sabbatical enriching her experience as a ChineseRead More

Cindy’s Unique Shop, which is located on North Colony Street, sells used home decor pieces at affordable prices.

$20 in Your Pocket: A Thrift Shopping Guide

December 15, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

As you switch your fall clothes for warmer garments and realize you hate your old cardigan, think twice before tossing it into a trash bin. There are numerous thrifting initiatives, both on and around campus, that allow for the Choate community to economically and environmentally donate and buy used clothing. Read More

Uber Hits Speed Bump on Campus

November 18, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

You want to go to Chick-fil-A, but it is too far away to walk. Hopeful, you check the WKND email, but there is no SAC shuttle. A few years ago, you might have had to choose a closer (and less satisfying) restaurant. Now, however, you know that you have anRead More

Treasured Toasters? Temporarily Toast

November 18, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Perhaps our beloved toasters took a play out of Anna Kendrick’s book in Pitch Perfect, “You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone.”    Last week, students were surprised to find that conventional spring toasters in the dining hall replaced the conveyor-style toasters. The old toasters were a popular choice forRead More

At Master’s Manna, Ms. Cheryl Trzcinski (right) helps prepare for the next day’s chicken soup meal.

Master’s Manna Enters New Era After Founding Director Trzcinski Resigns

November 18, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On September 30, 2016, the Founder and Executive Director of Master’s Manna, Inc., Ms. Cheryl Trzcinski, gave in her letter of resignation and retired. Master’s Manna, a nonprofit organization aimed to better the lives of individuals who are homeless or are from low-income backgrounds in the Meriden-Wallingford area and surroundingRead More

Elected Sixth Form Student Council members and appointed Secretary Audrey Sze ’17 (front row, second from the right) pose for a photo after their meeting.

Sixth Form Student Council: Last 100 Days

November 18, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

With only a term left in their tenures, the sixth form incumbents of the Student Council are busier than ever, making sure that they fulfill their promises and responsibilities to the best of their abilities before they pass their batons to the next generation of students in the spring. Here,Read More

Pictured from left to right: Dr. Jordan Ellenberg, Mr. Bob Woodward, Dr. Tricia Rose, and Dame Evelyn Glennie.

Choosing Special Program Speakers: A Special Process

October 28, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Most students’ understanding of how a special program speaker is selected may likely be summed up by Mr. Kevin Roger’s, Choate’s Director of Studies, humorous explanation: “We reach out and negotiate and then ba-da-bing-ba-da-boom we have a speaker.” But, of course, “ba-da-bing-ba-da-boom” takes tremendous resources, time, and effort to achieve.Read More

What is Family? Three Students Share Their Stories

What is Family? Three Students Share Their Stories

October 28, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Sam Wendel is a four-year junior from Astoria, N.Y.  My birth mother died when I was three months old, and my dad remarried when I was six. Last year, he divorced my stepmom. And, this year, he married again. My family has moved a lot, and, as we pack up,Read More

Flashback Friday: Election Blues

October 28, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

As the 2016 presidential election draws to a close, some cannot help but wonder, are all elections this crazy? On October 29, 1976, The News ran a piece titled “Election Blues.” Here is a condensed version. On Tuesday, the American electorate will decide the direction to which our great nationRead More