
Springtime Wonders and Woes

March 31, 2016 at 11:46 am Comments are Disabled

After a brisk winter full of Netflix, Domino’s Pizza, and unexpected snowstorms, Choate faculty and students are gladly welcoming the warm weather of spring term. Having emerged out of hibernation, the Choate community is once again bustling as people begin to take advantage of Choate’s blossoming campus, breathing in aRead More

Kage’s New Frontier: Explorations at NASA

Kage’s New Frontier: Explorations at NASA

March 31, 2016 at 11:45 am Comments are Disabled

Computer programming: the seemingly incomprehensible series of letters and symbols that lies at the heart of our technology-dependent society. Most take it for granted, but not Patrick Kage ’16. No, Kage has taken his interest and skill in computer science to a whole new level: he is an intern atRead More

Wonders of Compound Words

March 27, 2016 at 12:16 am Comments are Disabled

When I first saw the word “Wildboars” (and not, as is proper, “Wild Boars”) emblazoned on our 2015 Service Day shirts, my first thought was: if ‘wildboar’ was actually a word, what would it mean? Sure, it was a weird question. But the day ‘wildboar’ becomes legitimate isn’t as farRead More

Prepare for The Parents

March 27, 2016 at 12:16 am Comments are Disabled

There’s nothing like some good ole’ fashioned trickery to make your guardians proud of you. Follow these nine simple steps to blow away your visitors this Parents’ Weekend, and you’ll see a sizable jump in your Choate account—I mean, earn yourself a big hug. 1. Talk as much as possibleRead More

Creepy Clothes, Frightful Frocks

March 27, 2016 at 12:15 am Comments are Disabled

Looking at the calendar can inspire a sense of disorientation, especially with this striking realization: there’s only a week until Halloween. With such little time left, many Choate students have been scrambling for Halloween costume ideas. To give some inspiration, here’s a list of costume ideas from students around campus–Read More

Jordan Term Abroad: Choatie in Arabia

Jordan Term Abroad: Choatie in Arabia

March 27, 2016 at 12:15 am Comments are Disabled

Let me be frank: I decided to take a term abroad at King’s Academy, a boarding school in Jordan, to escape Choate. After two years of the same clothes, the same classrooms, and the same routine, I desired nothing more than separation from the quirks and traditions that make ChoateRead More

Friday Philosophy

March 26, 2016 at 11:44 pm Comments are Disabled

Stop what you’re doing! It’s time to ponder the topics that really make your brain hurt (because we don’t do enough thinking here already). Last week, I asked students around campus to answer extremely frustrating philosophical questions. Get ready to furrow your brow and flip some tables, because Choate isRead More


March 26, 2016 at 11:43 pm Comments are Disabled

The dim lights in the chapel created a peaceful and warm atmosphere. Several students and I sat on the cushions on the floor and crossed our legs. Closing our eyes, we waited for the instructions. “Place your hands comfortably either in front of you or on your laps,” Mr. JimRead More

Way Behind the Curtain

Way Behind the Curtain

March 26, 2016 at 11:43 pm Comments are Disabled

Taking seats in the arts center, the audience watches as the final product of a Choate theater production unfolds. If everything goes according to plan, the effect is magical: it’s as if the actors, set, lights, and sound all mysteriously appear out of nowhere. It appears seamless, but a spectatorRead More