
Tiny House Proves Big Work

Tiny House Proves Big Work

March 26, 2016 at 8:16 pm Comments are Disabled

Small things have always gotten the short end of the stick. However, the hottest new trend of micro-living has introduced many to the luxury of living small. Ms. Casey Kelsey is experiencing small living firsthand as she resides in her tiny house by the Kohler Environmental Center. Ms. Kelsey, aRead More

Balancing Postgraduate Admissions Policy

March 26, 2016 at 8:12 pm Comments are Disabled

At the senior dinner in the beginning of this year, more than twenty new postgraduate students stood up to introduce themselves. You might wonder why these people have decided to spend an extra year in high school; while their peers gear up for college, these few postgraduate students will continueRead More

Meet the Sharpest Pet Around

Meet the Sharpest Pet Around

March 26, 2016 at 8:11 pm Comments are Disabled

Dr. Allison M. Nishitani, a new science teacher and an adviser at Library, recently adopted a baby hedgehog named Calliope. Dr. Nishitani’s decision to get a hedgehog was “very random.” After seeing Mr. Ben Small’s pet snake, Max, in the science center, Dr. Nishitani decided that she wanted to haveRead More

Underground Music Club Rocks Out

March 26, 2016 at 8:10 pm Comments are Disabled

Walking around the PMAC on Friday nights, you’re likely to experience some strange sights—late-night painters, flutists “cramming” for their next orchestra solo, wandering a cappella groups… Now, though, you might stumble upon a new group: C Underground Rock Band. The club hosted its first meeting last Friday in the PMACRead More

Pounds and Pounds of Pumpkin

March 26, 2016 at 7:22 pm Comments are Disabled

Held annually during the last weekend of September, the Durham Fair, also known as Connecticut’s largest agricultural fair, has remained a hub of entertainment for residents of the Durham area and beyond. Attractions range from roller coasters to fried dough to Craig Morgan concerts, giving Choaties an opportunity to sampleRead More

Try a New Taste in Town

March 26, 2016 at 7:21 pm Comments are Disabled

Tired of your same old weekend restaurant rotation? Want to change it up, but are unsure of other options? Well, look no further! Here are two options—one sweet and one savory—to explore the next time you’re out and about.    Sweet: Alyssa’s Cakery The What: Asking someone to Garden Party?Read More

It’s A Bird… It’s A Plane…  It’s Super Blood Moon!

It’s A Bird… It’s A Plane… It’s Super Blood Moon!

March 26, 2016 at 7:20 pm Comments are Disabled

On Sunday night the 27th of September, students and faculty headed out to observe the lunar eclipse. For nearly three hours, over 30 students participated in a viewing hosted by Mr. Doug Wolff, Choate astronomy and physics teacher. Mr. Wolff and his wife, Mrs. Lynn Wolff, aimed two portable telescopesRead More

Let’s Talk Study Spots

March 26, 2016 at 7:18 pm Comments are Disabled

How easy is it to find a good study space in  458 acres of land? We’re here to help. Best Places 1. Library study rooms, where the only sound is the juniors hitting their heads on the wall. 2. Library personal desks. Nothing’s personal about twenty other people monitoring eachRead More

There’s No Place Like Home

March 26, 2016 at 6:35 pm Comments are Disabled

When you step foot on Choate campus you become a member of the Choate community—a Choatie—but each and every one of us carries a little bit of our hometown within us. Each town is different, and holds memories that will follow us no matter where we are. Here are someRead More