Local News

Small Town Politics, Big Time Problems

Small Town Politics, Big Time Problems

February 11, 2022 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On Tuesday, January 18, the Wallingford Town Council appointed former Town Council member and former Wallingford Democratic Town Committee (WDTC) member Mr. Jason Zandri to fill the vacated Council seat after Democrat Gina Morgenstein resigned mid-term due to the stresses of the job. Mr. Zandri’s appointment resulted in disorder withinRead More

The Dynasties of Wallingford

The Dynasties of Wallingford

February 11, 2022 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

The Loughlin family, along with the DiNatale family, have been in Wallingford for generations since the early 20th century. The DiNatale and Loughlin families are two of the most well-known families in Wallingford. Owning local businesses, land, and having a well-known and reputable law firm in the area are justRead More

Day Students Attempt to Bridge Choate-Town Divide

Day Students Attempt to Bridge Choate-Town Divide

January 28, 2022 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Choate’s position in the Wallingford community creates a nuanced conflict for students who are a part of both worlds. Particularly amid the pandemic, the concerns of international students have been apparent — issues such as irregular schedules due to differences in time zones, or international travel. What is rarely focusedRead More

Wallingford Animal Shelter Gets Tails Wagging

Wallingford Animal Shelter Gets Tails Wagging

January 28, 2022 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

When Mr. Mitch Gibbs, Director of the Wallingford Animal Shelter, thinks about local animal conservation, he thinks of the time a town resident reported a stray cat he’d seen on his security footage. The cat had an infected wound encircling three quarters of his neck, and Mr. Gibbs reported thatRead More

Charity Begins in Town

Charity Begins in Town

January 28, 2022 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

“Animals are my passion,” Ms. Jackie Richo said when asked about her role as the founder of Friends of the Wallingford Animal Shelter (FWAS), a 501c nonprofit organization established to provide support for the local animal Shelter. Ms. Richo, who once dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, created the nonprofit inRead More

Wallingford Historical Preservation Trust Uncovers Hidden Local Truths

Wallingford Historical Preservation Trust Uncovers Hidden Local Truths

January 21, 2022 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

The Johnson Mansion, a historic building in Wallingford with a lesser known connection to enslaved people in Connecticut. Although the Wallingford 350th anniversary Jubilee was cancelled in 2020, the town embarked on a different significant project to commemorate the town’s history: “Enslaved Wallingford: The Missing Chapter of Our American Narrative.”Read More

Fans Cry Foul at Lopsided Basketball Victory

Fans Cry Foul at Lopsided Basketball Victory

January 21, 2022 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Sacred Heart Academy recently defeated Lyman Hall 92-4. On January 3, Wallingford high school Lyman Hall was defeated, 92-4, in a varsity basketball game against Sacred Heart Academy (SHA), a Catholic girls’ high school in Hamden. While the 88 point difference drew national attention and criticism — including an articleRead More

Over 500 Athletes Compete in Local Special Olympics

Over 500 Athletes Compete in Local Special Olympics

December 16, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

The Special Olympics is “the world’s largest sports organization for children and adults with intellectual and physical disabilities,” according to its website.The organization provides training and activities year-round to 5,000,000 participants in 172 countries. Special Olympics Connecticut is one of the many branches of the organization and operates around theRead More

Wallingford Holiday Stroll Recommences

Wallingford Holiday Stroll Recommences

December 16, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On Friday, December 3, Wallingford residents flooded Main Street and Center Street for the Wallingford Holiday Stroll. Festive lights lit up storefronts and sidewalks, and people of all ages greeted store owners and carolling children. The event began 12 years ago as a way for the town to celebrate theRead More