Campus Issues

Start The Conversation About Community Conversations

Start The Conversation About Community Conversations

October 15, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

When I was little, the school I attended in Bogotá, Colombia offered standardized testing every year in November. I remember sitting in my seat, my feet barely touching the floor, as I wrote my name on the cover page of the test booklet and filled in other basic information. IRead More

I chose Choate For Its Ranking. This is Why I stayed.

I chose Choate For Its Ranking. This is Why I stayed.

October 15, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

I applied to only three boarding schools on the east coast: the top three. During the summer of seventh grade — months before I began the high school application process — Choate was ranked fifth among private high schools and third among boarding schools by Niche, the popular online resourceRead More

Summer Reading: A Question of Delights (Part 1)

Summer Reading: A Question of Delights (Part 1)

October 1, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Graphic by Yujin Kim ’23 With all its glowing reviews, one would have expected Ross Gay’s The Book of Delights to make an impact. Yet, I failed to find the magic that many others raved about.The premise of the book was simple enough: essayettes about how the mundane and everydayRead More

Summer Reading: A Question of Delights (Part 2)

Summer Reading: A Question of Delights (Part 2)

October 1, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Graphic by Yunjin Kim ’23 The first week back on campus, I began asking my friends what they thought of Ross Gay’s The Book of Delights. The consensus was clear: many students found the text to be less than delightful.After attempting to power through the collection of essayettes at theRead More

The Reality of Being a “Mem Boy”

The Reality of Being a “Mem Boy”

October 1, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Graphic by Katherin Chong ’25 Sitting on the cold, stone stairs leading up to Memorial House on my first Saturday at Choate, I patiently awaited the impending dorm meeting organized by our advisers. As I put on a mask of intrigue and happiness, I mentally prepared myself for a sluggish,Read More

Choate’s Culture of Complaining

Choate’s Culture of Complaining

May 25, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Almost anyone who has walked around campus has heard the common Choate student complaints: “I’m so tired. This is my third coffee today.” “I have two tests, three projects, one essay, four meetings …” “I really hope it rains today so sports practice will be canceled.” All of the studentsRead More

Ode to Choate

Ode to Choate

May 25, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

I remember entering Colony Hall lobby for the first time in October of 2019, when I visited Choate for my admissions interview. As I walked into the lobby, listening to my tour guide introduce the building, I stood in awe. I was mesmerized by the sun rays that shone throughRead More

As Covid-19 Devastates India, CSAA Members Speak Out

As Covid-19 Devastates India, CSAA Members Speak Out

May 25, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

With a recent spike in Covid-19 cases, India is currently faced with the world’s largest outbreak. Compared to the United States, where personal protective equipment and vaccines are readily available, India is struggling to contain the tragedy of growing infections amid mass cremations and shortgages in basic medical supplies. ThreeRead More

Balancing Social Life and Mental Health is Hard but Not Impossible

Balancing Social Life and Mental Health is Hard but Not Impossible

May 7, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Graphic by Yujin Kim/The Choate News After months stuck inside because of the pandemic, with no one but my family to talk to, coming to Choate was a breath of fresh air. I went from sitting through dull dinner conversations and watching YouTube in my room to socializing with differentRead More