Campus Issues

What’s Not to Love: Why the Winterlude Blues?

December 11, 2023 at 3:24 pm Comments are Disabled

By Chelsea Branch ’25 The air is getting crisper, and the trees are shedding their last leaves. People are taking out their puffer coats and chunky scarves that were gathering dust under the bed. Winterlude is finally here. Depending on who you ask, these two-and-a-half weeks between fall and winterRead More

An Ode to Long Weekends on Campus

November 13, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Fiona Fu ’25 Coming to Choate as an international student, long weekends did not excite me. After all, I couldn’t go home, and I didn’t have any family nearby. My friends would pack and go one by one, leaving me to languish in the empty halls of my dormRead More

Intent vs. Impact: The No-Homework Night Hoax

Intent vs. Impact: The No-Homework Night Hoax

November 13, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Francesca Howard ’26 To emulate the days off from school that students in several school districts in Connecticut get on holidays such as Yom Kippur and Diwali, Choate implemented no-homework-nights into the yearly calendar. For the most part, these nights fall on various religious and cultural holidays throughout theRead More

Breakfast for Dinner: Egg-static or (W)awful?

Breakfast for Dinner: Egg-static or (W)awful?

November 13, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Sky Hinton ’26 Do you wish for breakfast for dinner in the dining hall every night? I sincerely hope not, because breakfast is not dinner; it is breakfast. Consuming breakfast for dinner is not healthy nor practical and should be abolished in the dining hall.  After long gruesome daysRead More

The Lack of Respect for Christianity At Choate

The Lack of Respect for Christianity At Choate

October 25, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Stan Cho ’25 Over the past few decades, opposition to religion has become a trend. The incessant scandals and controversies within religious institutions, as well as the clash between traditional religious teachings and modern values, has led to a decline in religious affiliation. Though I am accustomed to theRead More

C’est Manifique: My Study Abroad in France

C’est Manifique: My Study Abroad in France

October 25, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Chelsea Branch ’25 Through a jetlag-induced haze, I couldn’t help but wonder, Am I dreaming? I was not. After 7 hours of being sandwiched between two unduly chatty passengers, I had finally arrived in France, where I would spend the summer of 2023 abroad.  Taking a deep breath, IRead More

Feeling Fearless: Taylor Swift & My Journey of Self Discovery

Feeling Fearless: Taylor Swift & My Journey of Self Discovery

October 25, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Cindy Tian ’27 During your first few weeks at Choate, did you ever feel adrift or set apart from everyone else? Or, perhaps, you found yourself wondering why your grades didn’t align with the effort you were putting in? These new experiences, while challenging, are crucial to personal growthRead More

Do Pajamas Belong in the Classroom?

Do Pajamas Belong in the Classroom?

October 16, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Steven Kee ’27 Pajamas. Soft, loose clothing that is worn in bed and consists of pants and a shirt. That is how they are defined in the Cambridge Dictionary. Pajamas are meant to be worn in bed, not in class. Choate needs to start listening to the dictionary andRead More

It Is Time We Abolish the Historic Senior Section

It Is Time We Abolish the Historic Senior Section

October 16, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Francesca Howard ’26 We’ve all been there: the dreaded walk through the senior section of the dining hall. As you make your way through the rows of tables, you feel every pair of eyes turn your direction, and sixth-formers seem to pierce straight through to the deepest parts ofRead More