Campus Issues

Revamping New Student Orientation

Revamping New Student Orientation

October 16, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

During their first week at Choate, new students underwent a series of orientation lectures and events. The programming was designed for students to get to know Choate, form new bonds, and be educated on the proper etiquette expected from them throughout their time at the School. While the events were Read More

Diary of a Cringey Freshmen

Diary of a Cringey Freshmen

October 2, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

It is only natural for us high schoolers to do cringy things during our freshmen year. This is a confusing and uncomfortable time in our lives as we grapple with self-discovery and try desperately to fit in. When I was an underclassman, I did a number of cringe-worthy things thatRead More

The Problem with School Meeting

The Problem with School Meeting

October 2, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

As the clock strikes 9:25 a.m. every Tuesday, the Choate community gathers to discuss a plethora of school-related events. It begins with a captivating musical performance, but as the hour progresses, speakers saunter onto the stage one by one, each asking students to scan a different QR code for theirRead More

The Pros and Cons of the New Schedule: Unpacking Our New Routine

The Pros and Cons of the New Schedule: Unpacking Our New Routine

October 2, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

This past year, a committee of faculty members spent months crafting an updated version of our daily academic schedule. Now, the Choate community finds itself with a brand-new routine. While I believe that some of these updates have created positive change, others have only produced more problems. The crown jewelRead More

Should Student Council Candidates Be Allowed To Campaign?

Should Student Council Candidates Be Allowed To Campaign?

May 15, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On Wednesday, February 22, I stood before my form, anxious to present my speech to over 100 people. I was prepared to convince them to choose me as their Student Council form representative, but, in that moment, I realized that I couldn’t say I knew all of them. I’m sureRead More

I Have Been Silenced

I Have Been Silenced

May 15, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Trigger Warning: This article includes mentions of sexual assault. In preparation for my speech in Choate’s third-form Krause-Stevens Declamation Contest, I was looking forward to the opportunity to voice my experiences and opinions. I knew that my speech, which explored my own experience with sexual assault and America’s pervasive rapeRead More

A Debate on Underclassmen’s Restrictions

A Debate on Underclassmen’s Restrictions

May 15, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

With mandatory lights out and the inability to receive a sixth-course exemption, third- and fourth-formers enjoy few of the privileges granted to upperclassmen. Teniola Obayomi ’25 and Francesca Howard ’26 battle it out, debatinng whether these privileges should be extended to underclassmen or remain exclusive to upperclassmen. Should underclassmen beRead More

Should Student Council Candidates Be Allowed To Campaign?

Should Student Council Candidates Be Allowed To Campaign?

May 15, 2023 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On Wednesday, February 22, I stood before my form, anxious to present my speech to over 100 people. I was prepared to convince them to choose me as their Student Council form representative, but, in that moment, I realized that I couldn’t say I knew all of them. I’m sureRead More

How To Survive a SAC Dance

How To Survive a SAC Dance

May 1, 2023 at 11:58 am Comments are Disabled

School dances are some of the most fun, yet most unsanitary activities one can experience at Choate.At a school dance, I feel like I am in a can of packed sardines, overwhelmed by the body odor erupting from the bodies next to me. All jokes aside, it is really funRead More