
Want to Stop Gun Violence? End The War on Drugs

Want to Stop Gun Violence? End The War on Drugs

March 26, 2016 at 11:37 pm Comments are Disabled

The grossly oversimplified politicization of the recent massacre at Umpqua Community College in Oregon has again sparked a national conversation on the effectiveness of ‘common sense’ gun control laws. The proposed measures, however, are abstract, cater to individuals, and impractical.  Gun violence statistics point to a more dire issue: homicidesRead More

House of Boehner: His Resignation and His Aftermath

House of Boehner: His Resignation and His Aftermath

March 26, 2016 at 8:08 pm Comments are Disabled

On Setpember 25, in a surpise announcement, John Boehner made public his intention to resign from his position as Speaker of the House. His resignation, combined with the fast approaching presidential elections, has provoked discussions among politicians and in the media. In almost five years as Speaker of the House,Read More

The Case to legalize Prostitution

The Case to legalize Prostitution

March 26, 2016 at 8:06 pm Comments are Disabled

Usually I write articles based on current events, but this week, my article comes as a response to an ongoing conversation I’ve been having with my friends, online, and at the dinner table. This is just one example of how a leisurely conversation at Choate can transform into a full-fledgedRead More

Need for Diversity in Media Representation

Need for Diversity in Media Representation

March 26, 2016 at 7:34 pm Comments are Disabled

On September 20th, 2015, acclaimed actress Viola Davis made history; at the 67th Emmy Awards, Davis became the first African-American actress to win the Emmy for leading actress in a drama. Viola Davis called for more diversity in the media in her Emmy acceptance speech. She began the speech withRead More

World Must Aid Refugees

World Must Aid Refugees

March 26, 2016 at 7:31 pm Comments are Disabled

After months of apathy, we are finally paying attention to the ongoing refugee crisis that has been taking place in Europe this year. Media outlets are giving Syrian refugees and desperate migrants the focus they deserve, and we are finally beginning to talk about our collective responsibility to ensure thatRead More

U.S. Reacts to Immigrant Crisis

March 26, 2016 at 7:28 pm Comments are Disabled

The United States of America is a nation that was founded by immigrants. There is not a single belief or religion that unified its people; rather, diversity is at the very foundation of American culture. As the 2016 presidential election draws nearer, candidates are discussing the issue of immigration thoroughly.Read More

Geopolitics, Cold War Foes, and a Warring Nation

Geopolitics, Cold War Foes, and a Warring Nation

March 26, 2016 at 6:43 pm Comments are Disabled

At the core of the conflict in Syria, geopolitics comes down to a chess-like game; a game that has now come to dominate the framework of the US-Russian relationship. To be more concrete, the two superpowers have maintained clashing interests with regard to the proxy conflict in Syria. This isRead More

When a Billionaire Connects

When a Billionaire Connects

March 26, 2016 at 6:42 pm Comments are Disabled

Donald Trump has surprised just about every political pundit. In the past months, he has rocketed past once-favorites Jeb Bush and Scott Walker. Although Trump is the most inappropriate and reckless member of the GOP’s field of candidates (currently 16 strong), his candidacy is of great value, providing a necessaryRead More