
Pandemic Reveals, Once More, the Need for Healthcare Reform

Pandemic Reveals, Once More, the Need for Healthcare Reform

May 15, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

With coronavirus cases surging across the country, the limits of the U.S. healthcare system have become more evident. Campbell Pflaum ’23 argues that enforcing the Affordable Care Act is the only solution to protecting the uninsured.

U.S. Sanctions Have No Place in a Covid-19 World

U.S. Sanctions Have No Place in a Covid-19 World

May 15, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Firefighters in Tehran, Iran, disinfect streets. Photo Courtesy of NBC News. The combination of limited medical supplies and rigid U.S. sanctions has impeded the ability of impoverished countries to withstand the many challenges of the coronavirus pandemic. Instead of lifting sanctions and aiding countries with climbing death tolls and dwindlingRead More

Global Studies Requirement Hinders Schedule Flexibility

Global Studies Requirement Hinders Schedule Flexibility

May 15, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Graphic by Sesame Gaetsaloe/The Choate News Every Choate student, sooner or later, feels the looming shadow of the Contemporary Global Studies graduation requirement. Instead of taking the electives they’re interested in, many freshmen take ​classes such as Contemporary Issues, World Religions, or Peace and Justice during their first year inRead More

“Hollywood” Is a Dream Come True

“Hollywood” Is a Dream Come True

May 15, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Ryan Murphy’s new Netflix mini-series, “Hollywood,” has not been heralded by critics — as publications like Slate and The Verge have argued, the show is far from perfect. There are plot holes, some characters have little narrative drive, and acts of hate and violence are immediately forgotten. It’s easy toRead More

Closing the Door On Sex Stigma

Closing the Door On Sex Stigma

May 15, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Graphic by Sesame Gaetsaloe/The Choate News Visitation has long been a hot topic of discussion on the Choate campus, with many students yearning for a more relaxed policy. The current rules prohibit students of the opposite sex to close the door when in a dorm room together, enter dorms ofRead More

Sheltering in Far-Off Places: Singapore

Sheltering in Far-Off Places: Singapore

May 15, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

In March, Singapore was credited with having a model response to the coronavirus pandemic. Two months later, despite access to a premier healthcare system and a variety of resources, Singapore’s confirmed cases grew from a mere 266 to more than 21,000. So, what went wrong?  Singapore sucessfully contained the firstRead More

Hidden Agendas in Governments’ Responses to the Coronavirus

Hidden Agendas in Governments’ Responses to the Coronavirus

May 1, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Checkpoint near Yaotai in Guangzhou, China. The country closed the region to Africans. Photo courtesy of The Guardian Instead of recognizing Covid-19 as a common enemy, world leaders have channeled nationalist and discriminatory practices, reflecting a global trend of leaders around the world prioritizing politics and image over cooperation andRead More

Dressing To Impress Myself

Dressing To Impress Myself

May 1, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Graphic by Sesame Gaetsoloe/The Choate News Choate’s recent transition to remote learning has caused substantial changes to our daily lives. Since quarantine started, the amount of attention I’ve given to my physical appearance has dropped precipitously. I’ve made some questionable fashion choices for my Zoom classes — if you canRead More

Problems with Standardized Testing Changes

Problems with Standardized Testing Changes

May 1, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Anxiety over the college admissions process is hardly a new struggle for Choate students. Some have focused their entire high-school career on accumulating club leadership positions, stressing over their A to A+ ratio, and training to snag varsity letters. Others are less worried; they focus on their relationships first andRead More