
Graphic by Sesame Gaetsaloe/The Choate News

Dear iDiary: Inside the Mind of a 2050 Teen

February 28, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

      This article was released as part of a special issue that envisions the world in 2050. All content should be treated as fictional.   Monday Dear iDiary, Today after my Java 750 class I was walking to Journalism in a Paperless World 200 when I realized IRead More

Graphic by Chandler Littleford/The Choate News

Letter From the Editors: A Glance Into 2050

February 28, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Dear reader, By now, you’ve probably noticed the unique design of this issue of The Choate News. The bottom half of each page has an entirely redesigned layout, featuring dark blue backgrounds, sans serif fonts, and articles that seem, at first glance, to make little sense. You might be wondering:Read More

Graphic by Sesame Gaetsaloe/The Choate News

You Are Not What You Eat

February 14, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

“Are you really going to eat that pizza?” Midway through my second slice, my gaze set on a third, I looked up to catch my friends engage in an all-too-familiar conversation.  “Yeah?” said my second friend.  “Are you even dedicated to our diet? If you eat that, you can’t comeRead More

More than 1,000 people in mainland China have died from the coronavirus. Researchers are working to develop a vaccine, but the process could take years.
Photo courtesy of The New York Times

Coronavirus Outbreak Highlights Humanity’s Best and Worst

February 14, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Lunar New Year, corresponding to the cycle of the moon, is the most festive holiday of the year in China. The 2020 Lunar New Year will be one of the most memorable holidays for my generation, not because of its festivity but because of the plague that has cast aRead More

Graphic by Sesame Gaetsaloe/The Choate News

Forgiving Myself for Striking the Wrong Key

February 14, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  I trudged my heavy feet up the stairs of the conservatory hall. Although it was extremely hot, my hands were freezing, my body was shivering. My heart felt uneasy as I sat down in front of the massive concert piano and looked to the panel of seemingly unfriendly teachers.Read More

My Journey Toward Cultural Competence

February 14, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Contrary to what you may have learned in physics, human nature negates the phrase “opposites attract.” In my experience, humans tend to build connections through the discovery of similarities that make them feel united. Typically, whether they find common ground regarding personal identifiers, experiences, or beliefs, humans feel more comfortableRead More

Graphic by Sesame Gaetsaloe/The Choate News

Little Women: A Little Bit Spectacular

January 31, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

When I was little, visits to the library with my mom always frustrated me. “I don’t wanna listen to Little Women,” I would whine, “Can’t we just get Magic Tree House?” But my mom persisted, and my childhood car rides were spent listening to the audiobook of Louisa May Alcott’sRead More

Graphic by Chandler Littleford/The Choate News

Life in a Single: A Mixed Blessing

January 31, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  I’m not saying that I didn’t like my former roommates —  in fact, I have become great friends with all of them — but when I learned that I would be living in a single as a junior, I was overjoyed. I’d long felt that my life at ChoateRead More

Faculty Should Facilitate Diversity Day Discussions

January 31, 2020 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Diversity Day workshops are meant to encourage students to step out of their comfort zones, reflect critically on difficult, uncomfortable questions, and participate thoughtfully and maturely in challenging conversations.  Although this year’s Diversity Day was much improved from previous years, there are still ways the experience could be improved. InRead More