
Extracurriculars at Choate: Passion Over Position

April 13, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

At a school that offers over 100 clubs, along with a plethora of other extracurricular activities, it is no surprise that students choose to heavily involve themselves in such activities. This affords many the opportunity to solidify their passions, explore new areas of interest, or simply take a break fromRead More

The Great Debate: Should the Electoral College be Replaced?

The Great Debate: Should the Electoral College be Replaced?

April 13, 2018 at 5:00 am Comments are Disabled

On five occasions, a U.S. presidential candidate who lost the popular vote has become President because of the electoral college. This defies the will of the American people. The electoral college weighs votes differently based on location and reduces the number of states that candidates campaign in. Therefore, the electoralRead More

Protestors demand stronger gun legislation at the March for Our Lives in New York City on March 24.

March for Our Lives: Democracy in Action

April 6, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

The feeling of a protest is difficult to describe; it’s probably closest to a sense of intense productivity, as though you have the ability to change the world around you. However, as the days after a march pass, this sensation begins to wear off, and I often find myself wonderingRead More

Toward A More Inclusive Community

April 6, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Choate’s Signature Programs attract a variety of prospective and current students, promising those admitted an opportunity to explore and fine-tune their abilities in a certain field. Rising fifth-formers (and, in some cases, fourth-formers) have the option of applying to various programs, a few of which are the Science Research ProgramRead More

Teachers are Educators, Not Soldiers

April 6, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Following the devastating Parkland school shooting, President Donald Trump P’00 called for schools to arm teachers to prevent future school shootings. Several Florida legislators later approved two bills that allotted millions of dollars to training for teachers to carry firearms. While on paper this may seem like a plausible idea,Read More

John Bolton will become National Security Adviser, replacing Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster.

Bolton to Endanger Foreign Relations

April 6, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

With the constant hiring and firing in the White House, it is hard to keep up with who is coming and going. The most recent addition, however, is one to note. The widely respected Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster is no longer the National Security Adviser; he has been replacedRead More

Why All Should Take Women’s Studies

Why All Should Take Women’s Studies

April 6, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Last term, I opted to take Women’s Studies because I wanted to understand more about the female experience — one that I, as a male, will never fully comprehend. My plan was to voice my thoughts occasionally; I was there to listen. I went into the course worried about theRead More

Injured Athletes: It’s About the Mental Game

Injured Athletes: It’s About the Mental Game

April 6, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

It is not uncommon for athletes to get injured. Some would even say that it’s part of the job description. After all, in any physical sport there is the inherent risk of bodily harm, whether it be minimal or extensive. Despite this, however, injury is still the dread of anyRead More

Student Council representatives talk with a prospective student.

Spring Visits: A Time to Welcome and Reflect

March 30, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

If there is one thing that all Choate students have in common, it’s the shared experience of completing a long, thorough application process. All students share the same adventure: taking the standardized test, writing the essays and numerous short-answer responses, and going in for the interview. Personally, every moment playedRead More