
Growth, In All Its Forms

February 23, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Before assuming our current posts, all of us, the members of the 111th Masthead of The Choate News, worked for the newspaper in a variety of positions. As we reported, copy edited, took pictures, and illustrated for the paper, we grew to believe in the power of journalism and, inRead More

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi speaking to reporters following her record-breaking filibuster, which lasted eight hours.

Pelosi’s Filibuster Highlights Need for Democratic Unity

February 23, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On February 7, House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi spoke on the House floor for over eight hours to push for a vote on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, an Obama-era initiative that protects the children of immigrants who came to the United States illegally fromRead More

Layoffs Won’t Slow Amazon’s Rise to Monopoly

February 23, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Over the past few weeks, Amazon has laid off hundreds of employees from its headquarters in Seattle. While no official reason was given, in a statement, Amazon claimed that the firings were “head count adjustments” and that such adjustments included “small reductions in a couple of places and aggressive hiringRead More

Letter from The Editor-in-Chief: Local News: A Platform and Catalyst  for Community Engagement

Letter from The Editor-in-Chief: Local News: A Platform and Catalyst for Community Engagement

February 23, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

It is a Choate tradition for students to be involved in affairs beyond this school community. Many students identify the act of serving others as an essential part of their lives, volunteering locally or overseas during school breaks. Student-led initiatives such as Diversity Day educate our community on important nationalRead More

The Inconvenience of Special Schedules

February 16, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Starting this past school year, Choate Rosemary Hall has made several changes to the daily schedule. Along with the establishment of longer blocks, the Choate administration has also added weeks with special schedules. Whenever a school week is cut short because of long weekends, service days, vacations, and other days,Read More

Enhance the Student Council Election Process

Enhance the Student Council Election Process

February 16, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

I view the student council as the liaison between the student body and the administration — it enacts social reform aligning with the general interests and concerns of students. In general, the Choate council has proved effective in addressing the needs of our student body, having in recent years benefittedRead More

How to Navigate Junior Spring: One Senior’s Pro Tips and Advice

How to Navigate Junior Spring: One Senior’s Pro Tips and Advice

February 16, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Before a Cinderella-like dash to my dorm as the clock strikes midnight — although it’s a white Community Safety sedan rather than a horse-drawn carriage ferrying the heavy-eyed passenger — I lock the doors to the Newsroom: a forgotten room on the second floor of the Library, where it’s notRead More

SpaceX launches the Falcon Heavy rocket, the most powerful rocket in history, on February 6 at 3:45 p.m.

SPACEX Launches New Era of Innovation

February 16, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

And with an earth-shattering roar, the Falcon Heavy blasted off the platform—the very same platform NASA used to transport astronauts to the moon decades ago—and into space, cheers erupting from the spectating crowd.  The colossal rocket, designed and built by SpaceX, launched into the sky on February 6 at 3:45Read More

Iranian Protests Must Grow to Eliminate Corruption

February 16, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Since late December of 2017, sporadic protests have erupted in Iran challenging the current government. The protests are the biggest in the country since 2009, when large demonstrations sprung up over claims that the country’s presidential elections were manipulated in favor of the incumbent candidate.The current protests specifically challenge Iran’sRead More