
Anti-Drug Speaker Criticizes Zero Tolerance — And He’s Right.

January 19, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

During a recent school meeting, psychologist and motivational speaker Dr. Matt Bellace addressed our community, encouraging students to find “natural highs” that take the edge off of life in a healthier and more sustainable way than drugs ever could. He relayed his personal history, including a poignant account of hisRead More

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un have engaged in an increasingly threatening feud.

Trump and Kim’s Feud Endangers Americans and Global Stability

January 19, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

One of the jobs of the President of the United States is to maintain stable foreign relations with other nations across the globe. While this has not always been achieved due to widespread conflict and war, these exceptions do not diminish the essential presidential responsibility to communicate with other worldRead More

To reduce contraband, a New York prison pilot program bans books from certain vendors.

Banning Books in Prisons Contradicts the Correctional Goals

January 19, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On January 9, books were “banned” from New York Prisons. Prisons have faced difficulty with contraband being smuggled into correctional facilities through packages, including inside books, so heavy restrictions were placed on how books can get to inmates. Under a pilot program aimed to curb the widespread contraband problem, inmatesRead More

The Sixth Course Conundrum

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

aking six courses has grown in popularity at Choate. The simple process of adding a sixth course to a student’s class has given all students an opportunity to add an extra course to their typical load. This change in attitude encourages taking a sixth class and has created an impressionRead More

Art is a Catalyst of Activism

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

I play Lloyd in this year’s winter production at Choate, Blue Stockings. Lloyd could not be more different from me: he is a white undergraduate studying at Trinity College, a constituent college of Cambridge University in England, and he is overwhelmingly misogynistic. The title of the play refers to theRead More

The Director of Spiritual Life, chaplains, and faculty advisers in Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Protestant, and Roman Catholic traditions guide students in a variety of religious expressions.

Finding Connection Through Religion

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

What are your religious or spiritual beliefs? Why do you adhere to them? What’s your story? Growing up in a religiously devoted Christian family, church, home, and social life were almost inextricably intertwined. Living with a single mom, I consider my church community as part of my actual family, leaningRead More

Dustin Hoffman in the 1984 Broadway production of Death of a Saleman, the play during which he has been accused of sexual assault.

By Confronting Dustin Hoffman, John Oliver Demonstrates True Allyship

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  Throughout the public sector, particularly in politics, men claim to be “advocates for women.” For some, such as those who participate in writing laws that protect reproductive rights and that works towards eliminating the gender pay? gap., this statement is legitimate and believable, However, many politicians and public figuresRead More

The Bears Ears Monuments in Utah is one of the sites affected by President Trump’s actions.

By Scaling Down Their Monuments, Trump Attacks Native Americans

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  On December 4, President Donald Trump P’00 shrank two national monuments located in Utah. These two monuments, Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante, were cut 85 percent  and 50 percent, respectively. This is the largest reduction made by any president, the total area of land stripped of protection being largerRead More

The Inconvenience of Junior Work Duty

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

During their time at Choate, all students are required to do at least one term of aide. Most third formers at Choate take part in dining hall duty for one period each week. During these times, students are asked to help out the dining hall staff by cleaning tables andRead More