
The Choate fan section cheers on Girls Varsity Volleyball on Deerfield Day.

Healthy, Not Heated: Respecting our Rival

November 10, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Boars knock down doors. Who’s house? C-house. Scoreboard. All this and more are chanted energetically by Choate students on Deerfield Day, and they all revolve around the “us vs. them” paradigm. Interestingly, something that we fight against brings our community closer than any other event on campus. We’ve witnessed theRead More

The Nuisance of Club Dorm Meetings

November 10, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

With more than 100 clubs on campus, students have a large variety of extracurriculars to choose from outside of sports and ensembles. That being said, students also need to complete their homework, attend after-school activities, and find time for sleep. In recent years, the emerging trend has been for clubsRead More

A still from The Hunting Ground depicting a map of campus sexual assault nationwide.

Hunting Ground Hypocrisy: Revisiting A Weinstein Company Film

November 10, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Released in 2015, The Hunting Ground is a powerful documentary that portrays the shocking sexual-assault cases at campuses across the US and a collection of the horrifying experiences countless women had no other choice but to keep to themselves. Although progress has been made regarding gender-based violence in the UnitedRead More

In Many, Proper Etiquette Lies Latent

October 20, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Here at Choate Rosemary Hall many students act as though they are the only contributing factor to a school that is managed day in and day out by devoted faculty and staff. We litter the floors of St. John Hall, we often hold side conversations every chance we get duringRead More

Recognizing Tragic Occurrences on Community Service Day

October 20, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Last week, the students and faculty members of Choate participated in a day of community service in order to help those who are in need of aid. Even though the events that took place altered the normal class schedule, the day itself meant a lot to the Choate community. TheRead More

Pro-independence demonstrators march in a rally organized by the Catalan Civil Society.

Catalonia Should Seek A More Sensible Independence Movement

October 20, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On October 1, the Spain-autonomous region of Catalonia held a controversial and technically illegal vote for its independence from Spain. Passionately supported in the region and equally opposed by the rest of Spain, the referendum turned violent as Spanish authorities rushed to destroy ballots, disrupt the voting process, and intimidateRead More

Following Choate’s first Wellness Period, some students felt well-rested, while others still felt stressed.

Wellness Period: A Refreshing Break in a Hectic Schedule

October 20, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

We can all agree that Choate gets stressful at times, if not all the time.  Most of us put on our happy faces and go along with our normal routines without ever having any sort of break. On October 10th from 12:50 to 2:00 p.m., Choate students and faculty finallyRead More

Club Discussions Need to be Followed by Action

October 20, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

At Choate, there’s a club for everyone: From groups that gather to write for a satirical magazine, to groups that meet to debate, to groups that simply meet to tell stories, there’s a place for everyone to get involved. By themselves, each of these clubs stand for and serve nobleRead More

To Protect Women’s Rights, Health Insurance Must Fund Birth Control

October 19, 2017 at 9:46 pm Comments are Disabled

On October 6, the Trump administration rolled back the Obamacare-era requirement for employers to include birth control in their healthcare plans. This decision makes it easy to deny female employees a basic health-related need based on opposition to religious or moral beliefs. While the White House is arguing that it’sRead More