
Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk speaks to President Donald Trump during a meeting with technology leaders at Trump Tower on December 14, 2016.

Trump and Musk: An Unlikely Friendship

February 3, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Donald J. Trump P ’00: a name that symbolizes racism, misogyny, and the White House. However, while his name undoubtedly resonates negatively with millions of Americans, Trump is also now the most powerful person in the world. Known for both his political ignorance and outrageous promises, Trump has become aRead More

Illustration by Katharine Li '17

Why (Intellectual) Diversity Matters

January 27, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

To be completely honest, Diversity Day is something that I haven’t really looked forward to in the past few years. I was never really excited for Diversity Day because, while I was happy we were learning to celebrate our differences, I never felt united with other Choate students at theRead More

Mass Media: Massively Prejudiced

January 27, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

The media, in numerous forms such as newspapers, movies, and television, affects most people in the developed world. It informs consumers of current, past, or future events from all around — and sometimes out of — the world. With all the benefits of media, however, come some drawbacks. Prevalent throughoutRead More

Putting the Bully in the Bully Pulpit

January 27, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

From insulting the family of a gold-star soldier to mocking a disabled New York Times reporter, Donald Trump P’00 has proven himself willing to tear down anyone who disagrees with him. He is notorious for taking to social media to respond to any naysayers, most recently starting a scandal afterRead More

Witnessing History in Lanphier Commons

January 27, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

This past Friday, the administration modified the schedule for all students and faculty, clearing blocks out in honor of Inauguration Day. From 11:30 to 1:15 PM, all members of the Choate community had free time to observe the inauguration of our 45th president, participate in open discussions, or simply getRead More

Zero Tolerance on Drugs: Is it Fair?

January 27, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

My Choate career has been marked by failure. My first year here, I blundered through a “reasonably successful third form year,” as my term report reads, but I’ve had my share of Thursday D’s. Like many Choate students — like many teenagers — I matured and developed useful habits toRead More

The Case for Keeping Quiet

January 20, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

In the previous issue of The Choate News, Anselm Kizza-Besigye ’17 wrote an Opinions piece titled “The College Conundrum,” and in it, he explored the often harmful ways with which we approach conversations about college applications and decisions. As no words of my own can capture the eloquence with whichRead More

Time to Fight Second Amendment Madness

Time to Fight Second Amendment Madness

January 20, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On December 14th, 2012, in Newtown, Conn., an armed and mentally unstable man stepped into Sandy Hook Elementary School. After five minutes that included over 150 gunshots, twenty children and eight adults were dead. Guns are a constant threat in our society today — on average, they kill ninety AmericansRead More

Finding Refuge in National Parks

January 20, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

My parents have always been highly conscious of the rapid pace at which the world changes. In 2000, my father read a news article about the extinction of the Pyrenean ibex, a subspecies of the Iberian wild goat, once found throughout the Andorran Pyrenees. At that time, my brother hadRead More