
Inclusivity for Recruited Athletes

Inclusivity for Recruited Athletes

March 26, 2016 at 11:17 pm Comments are Disabled

Over a month ago, during his Convocation speech, School President Tomi Lawal ’16 called for inclusion at Choate. In one obvious way, however, we do not live up to this standard. Lack of community togetherness at Choate is undermined by negative feelings that some Choate students have towards recruited athletes.Read More

Why Aren’t Asians “People of Color”?

March 26, 2016 at 11:17 pm Comments are Disabled

For the longest time, I thought Asians existed in a special realm of racial identity. Asians weren’t white, I knew that. But I also knew that they weren’t black, Hispanic, or Native American. As a Korean in the United States, I was a minority, sure, but I was never askedRead More

Need for Empathy as College Decisions Released

March 26, 2016 at 10:01 pm Comments are Disabled

It’s the season for freezing faces, excessive pie-eating, crackling fires, and unwarranted caroling. But, as usual, our annual holiday cheer is accompanied by the college decision season, which brings both gleaming smiles and tear-filled hugs. Some treat the process well, making it constructive, supportive, and relaxed, while others turn itRead More

Is my Political Voice too Loud?

March 26, 2016 at 9:55 pm Comments are Disabled

After last week’s Choate talk by Henry Marshall ’16 about the suppression of conservative viewpoints on campus, I remember walking out of the PMAC and grabbing a friend. He happened to be a conservative. “Do you feel like I shut you down?” I asked. If you’ve ever had a conversationRead More

House of Boehner: His Resignation and His Aftermath

House of Boehner: His Resignation and His Aftermath

March 26, 2016 at 8:08 pm Comments are Disabled

On Setpember 25, in a surpise announcement, John Boehner made public his intention to resign from his position as Speaker of the House. His resignation, combined with the fast approaching presidential elections, has provoked discussions among politicians and in the media. In almost five years as Speaker of the House,Read More

The Case to legalize Prostitution

The Case to legalize Prostitution

March 26, 2016 at 8:06 pm Comments are Disabled

Usually I write articles based on current events, but this week, my article comes as a response to an ongoing conversation I’ve been having with my friends, online, and at the dinner table. This is just one example of how a leisurely conversation at Choate can transform into a full-fledgedRead More

Savor Your Silence: Embrace Solitude

March 26, 2016 at 8:04 pm Comments are Disabled

We live in a world teeming with sound. We create sound everywhere, whenever we can, as if our lives depend on it. At this point in life, sound is something we cannot live without, something we would protect with our lives, and even something we would never let go. SoundRead More

Identity Politics is Real Politics

Identity Politics is Real Politics

March 26, 2016 at 8:03 pm Comments are Disabled

I know there is someone out there, reading the headline above and sighing, “Why, Esul, why? Gender, race, political correctness–come on. Can you please talk about the Iran Deal or the Pope or the Syrian refugee crisis? Something that doesn’t concern identity politics. Please, Esul, I beg you. Talk about realRead More

Letter to the Editor

March 26, 2016 at 8:01 pm Comments are Disabled

To the Editor, I read with great interest the Editor’s Note in your September 25 issue, in which you advised the community that its newspaper would now be called The Choate News. This is an unfortunate decision which does very little to acknowledge the students who joined our community inRead More