
When a Billionaire Connects

When a Billionaire Connects

March 26, 2016 at 6:42 pm Comments are Disabled

Donald Trump has surprised just about every political pundit. In the past months, he has rocketed past once-favorites Jeb Bush and Scott Walker. Although Trump is the most inappropriate and reckless member of the GOP’s field of candidates (currently 16 strong), his candidacy is of great value, providing a necessaryRead More

When a Billionaire Muddies Politics

March 26, 2016 at 6:39 pm Comments are Disabled

Rand Paul is ugly. Columba Bush is a “lovely woman” with a Macbethian control over her husband’s views on immigration. Megyn Kelly has blood coming from her “wherever.” I am not going to waste time talking about my plans to move to Canada if Donald Trump were elected president (theRead More

Student Council President and Vice President 2016-2017

Student Council President and Vice President 2016-2017

February 23, 2016 at 7:10 pm Comments are Disabled

This spring, newly-elected Student Council President Cecilia Zhou ’17 and Vice President Namsai Sethpornpong ’17, will assume their positions and lead the school into the 2016-2017 academic year. In the all-school meeting on Wednesday, February 10, ten rising seniors stood on the main stage of the Paul Mellon Arts CenterRead More