
For many students, sports is an integral part of their Choate experience.

The Importance of Sports at Choate

February 23, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Athletics represent one of the oldest and most important pieces of Choate’s history, and, for the foreseeable future, they will continue to be an important piece of most student’s Choate experience. Our rivalry with Deerfield Academy alone creates a lifetime worth of memories for those who participate and even manyRead More

Boys’ JV Hockey Co-Captains John Burt ’18 and Ian Merrick ’18 with the Grim Cup.

Boys’ JV Hockey Reclaim The Grim

February 16, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

A few weeks ago, Choate’s JV hockey team beat Loomis Chaffee. However, this game wasn’t just like any other game for the two hockey teams. The two teams faced off against each other in the annual Grim Cup, whose history goes back a few years. A few years ago, longtimeRead More

The life of a student-athlete at Choate has numerous demands.

Sports vs. Academics: Struggles of Choate Athletes

February 16, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

For students at Choate managing all of their commitments is hard enough, but for athletes playing winter sports it gets even harder. There is a limited number of indoor facilities for athletes to practice on, so teams have to practice at unusual times. There are 4 hockey teams on campusRead More

Sam Gallo ’19 Eclipses 1,000 Points

February 16, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

The 1,000 point club is one of the most exclusive in high school basketball. Choate’s very own Sam Gallo ’19, a member of Girls Varsity Basketball, became one of the select few high school athletes to push themselves to the limit by earning it in her junior year. While 1,000Read More

Community Weekend Brings Out Choate’s Best

Community Weekend Brings Out Choate’s Best

February 2, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

In many ways, this winter’s Community Weekend, which occurred between Friday January 19,and Sunday January 21, was similar to previous ones. There was a special dinner hosted at the X, and a number of events for students — including an all-school Community Skating Party, a SAC Dance, and the CommunityRead More

Girls’ Varsity Basketball Edges Suffield Academy

February 2, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Following an impressive win over Taft  on Friday night, Girls’ Varsity Basketball began its next game ready to continue its winning streak against another talented team. Going into the game with a record of 12-3, a win against Suffield’s strong team would boost the girls in the New England rankings.Read More

Zach Vandale ’21 has been a valuable long term addition to Boys’ Varsity Hockey.

On the Ice with Zach Vandale ’21

February 2, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

This winter, Boys’ Varsity Hockey has one freshman: Zach Vandale ’21. While he is the only member from his class and a day student, Vandale has had no problems fitting in with the team and adjusting quickly to the higher level of hockey. Associate Editor Dan Brockett ’19 sat downRead More

Jayden Nixon ’18 smoothly dodges opponents, dominating the court.

On the Court with Jayden Nixon

January 26, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Jayden Nixon ’18 has been dominating on the basketball court this season and he is a big part of Choate’s hot start this year. Associate Editor Joseph Coyne ’19 sat down to talk with Nixon about basketball, life at Choate, and his goals for the future.Jayden Nixon ’18 has beenRead More

IBL poses for a team photo before jumping into the court for a game.

Intramural Basketball League Grows in Size — and fun

January 26, 2018 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

One of the most popular winter sports on campus is intramural basketball, which is known as the Intramural Basketball League (IBL). IBL convenes three times a week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings and this year, the league is made up of 32 students. At the beginning of the season,Read More