Other News

Catching Up With the Faculty Pets

Catching Up With the Faculty Pets

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Imagine this: You’re walking up to the dining hall after sports. At the base of Hill House, you see an adorable golden retriever tied to a lamppost. You sit down next to the dog and pet it for a few minutes. When your impatient friends’ texts finally compel you toRead More

A Fresh Take on Student Directed Scenes

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

The Student Directed Scenes are back and better than ever. This year, the Gelb Theater will be greeted by both fresh and familiar faces on the Choate stage. Last year, the directors took the audience for a game on the golf course, through an adventure in a rocky maze, intoRead More

#NOMORE Campaign Featured on Campus

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Choate’s Diversity Student Association (CDSA) invited students to participate in the photo series campaign “#NoMore.” All around campus there are posters with photos of faculty and students holding up signs. The signs have handwritten messages like “No more bystanders,” “No more calling victims LIARS,” and “No more network of enablers.”Read More

Chip’s in the dining hall

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

You’ve probably caught a glimpse of the enormous taxidermic moose head perched above the senior section of Hill House Dining Hall — it’s pretty hard to miss — but have you ever wondered how it ended up there, or even how it got in Choate’s possession? Serena Sandweiss ’20 hasRead More

Wesley Fang '19 chases down a shot from his opponent.

Winter Sports Preview 2017-18

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  Boys’ Basketball After a disappointing season last year, this is a team looking for a bounce back season, and all signs are pointing to this happening. The large, athletic team has started the season very well and already has quality division wins over Taft and Andover. Co-captain Brad LandryRead More

Sans Preseason, Winter Athletes Find Alternative Ways to Prepare

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Before the season, many of the Choate varsity teams spend time preparing for the upcoming season together. The varsity sports in the fall and the spring have a preseason, but in the winter there is no preseason for the varsity sports due to the shorter break than the other twoRead More

Dustin Hoffman in the 1984 Broadway production of Death of a Saleman, the play during which he has been accused of sexual assault.

By Confronting Dustin Hoffman, John Oliver Demonstrates True Allyship

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

  Throughout the public sector, particularly in politics, men claim to be “advocates for women.” For some, such as those who participate in writing laws that protect reproductive rights and that works towards eliminating the gender pay? gap., this statement is legitimate and believable, However, many politicians and public figuresRead More

Local Resident to Open Ramen Shop

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Wallingford offers a variety of dining opportunities, with restaurants centered around Italian, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, and Mexican cuisine all within the confinements of town. One local resident hopes to add to this array of dining opportunities: Tommy Zhou, a Wallingford resident, has plans to open Peking Blvd Asian Bistro byRead More

The work of Choate students involved in the Arts is on display in the Paul Mellon Arts Center gallery. The image by Joey Hong '19 (above) represents misconceptions of mental health issues.

Student art Celebrated In New PMAC Gallery Exhibit

December 15, 2017 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

The students of Arts Concentration and special arts programs did not fail to entertain their eager peers and faculty members who came to the PMAC for an intimate gathering of the students’ gallery opening on Friday night after classes. The exhibit was fresh and full of thought-provoking artwork that wasRead More