Other News

A Brief Introduction to The Brief

May 28, 2016 at 6:31 pm Comments are Disabled

Many students are involved in the various Choate publications: The Choate News, The Lit, High Society, and Nexus, just to name a few. However, we often forget one particular publication, which makes its appearance only once a year in late May: The Brief. Choate’s yearbook is an extraordinary 350 pages,Read More

Spring Recitals

Spring Recitals

May 27, 2016 at 6:49 am Comments are Disabled

Gabriel Valle Gabriel Valle’s ’16 violin serenaded the audience during his senior recital, held on Sunday, May 22, at the Seymour St. John Chapel. Valle, who has played violin for 14 years, is in orchestra and the Arts Concentration program. Regarding his decision to perform, Valle stated, “Apart from theRead More

Faculty Profiles: Departing Faculty

Faculty Profiles: Departing Faculty

May 27, 2016 at 6:42 am Comments are Disabled

Mr. Ashton Betancourt “I’ll miss his charismatic and passionate personality. I’ll also miss his amazing cookies and hot chocolate. Most importantly, though, I’ll miss the best teacher I’ve ever had,” said Arjun Katechia ’19, referring to Mr. Ashton Betancourt, who will retire this year to reunite with his family inRead More

Ms. Matthews has been considered to be a mother for many of her students during her 27 years at Choate.

A Farewell to Ms. Matthews, a Teacher and Mentor for Many

May 27, 2016 at 6:30 am Comments are Disabled

After nearly 55 years of teaching, the revered and respected Ms. Connie Matthews will close her last English 100 book, write her last teacher report, and leave the classroom for good. She began her Choate career as an English teacher and as the Director of Multicultural Affairs. Headmaster Charles DeyRead More

Seen here with Paul Grabowski, Ms. Mary Pashly attends octoberfest in 1986.

Leaving a Legacy of Service, Ms. Pashley Departs

May 27, 2016 at 6:27 am Comments are Disabled

“It feels as though everything I’ve done here has been a natural flow of succession based on my interests and desires, as well as where the school has been going,” reflected Ms. Mary Pashley, whose retirement will conclude 33 years of service to Choate. A Wallingford native, she received herRead More

Mr. Peard to Retire After 30 Influential Years

Mr. Peard to Retire After 30 Influential Years

May 27, 2016 at 6:24 am Comments are Disabled

There is one quote that particularly stands out to 30-year Choate English teacher Mr. Trevor Peard. He elaborated, “There’s a quotation up in my classroom. It’s from Mary Oliver, and it says, ‘That’s the big question, the one the world throws at you every morning. Here you are, alive. WouldRead More

Money or Morals? Students Debate Divestment Petition

May 27, 2016 at 6:20 am Comments are Disabled

When asked about the motivation for the divestment petition that has garnered hundreds of signatures from the student body, Cecilia Katzenstein ’16 said, “We see a discrepancy between Choate’s statement on sustainability and investing eight to nine percent of our endowment into fossil fuels, which has clearly been proven toRead More

Dr. Hinderlie will assume the position of  Director of Equity and Inclusion.

Director of Equity to Join Faculty

May 27, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Dr. Keith Hinderlie will join the community next fall as Choate’s first Director of Equity and Inclusion. Dr. Hinderlie has worked for over 20 years as an administrator and teacher at various schools, including Milton Academy in Milton, Massachusetts. In the last decade, Dr. Hinderlie has promoted diversity and inclusionRead More

Administration Modifies Graduation No-Walk Policy

May 27, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Though the most apparent difference has been the earlier graduation date this spring, there have also been a few other subtler changes to graduation, noticeably with the “no-walk policy” for seniors. The no-walk policy explains the situations in which seniors can receive diplomas but can’t participate in the graduation ceremony,Read More