Other News

Students in the new environmental art class study, draw, and improve their surroundings

Art Against Climate Change

April 22, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

This spring term, Choate inaugurated an environmental arts class proposed to combine artistic expression and environmental awareness in a single class. Ms. Jessica Cuni, who teaches the course, encouraged its creation to instill appreciation for the environment in a new generation of artists at Choate. “The course encompasses many differentRead More

Choate’s Old Laptops and iPads Donated to Town

April 22, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Try to imagine 75 iPads and 40-50 computers. In their efforts to donate old electronics to local Wallingford organizations, the Information Technology Services (ITS) office gathered more than 100 iPads and laptops from the Choate community that were not being used to give away this spring. Various organizations such asRead More

Freedom, Foner, and The Fourteenth Amendment

Freedom, Foner, and The Fourteenth Amendment

April 15, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

History students trudging through reading assignments or struggling to memorize a hodgepodge of dates and facts may often forget one particular beauty of the subject: its inseparable ties to reality. Two Choate students — Zemia Edmondson ’16 and Dylan Stafford ’16 — recently reminded themselves of this point by attendingRead More

A  young demonstrator in Hong Kong protests Beijing’s involvement in Hong Kong elections.

How China Steals Its Citizens’ Rights

April 15, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

In the wake of a battle over civil liberties and technological privacy rights in the United States, an extremely similar and important crisis is occurring in China: the right to the freedom of speech. Hong Kong citizens’ freedom of speech is protected by the hand-over treaty. This treaty guarantees thatRead More

Seniors celebrate their impending graduation at the tenth  Alumni Transition Dinner.

Seniors Inducted into Alumni Association at Transition Dinner

April 15, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

The day after the Alumni Transition Dinner on April 7, a sea of seniors proudly showed off their blue alumni vests. The Alumni Association has existed for 10 years.  Pictures of grinning groups of students wearing these vests emblazoned with “Choate Rosemary Hall Alumni Association” surfaced on social media asRead More

Illustration by Norman Peng

Want to Be Moral? Go Vegan

April 15, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

At Choate and around the world, veganism has begun to enter the mainstream. In the past, refraining from consuming animal products has been a movement marred by stereotypes and misconceptions, espoused only by a small number of dedicated animal rights activists. Today, it has become a popular lifestyle choice endorsedRead More

The Pernicious Prep-School Patriarchy

April 15, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Perhaps the worst part of feminism is its prefix, “fem.” The inherently female nature of the word often scares us, and it insinuates a fundamental exclusion of male perspective. At Choate, there is an unspoken understanding that feminism is limited to females. In our warm bubble filled with Diversity DayRead More

Clubs gathered to discuss topics such as the role of the Unites States in international Politics during Coexist Week.

Coexist Week Sought to Promote Diverse Opinions Among Students

April 15, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Participations from over 20 clubs, including Young Democrats, Young Centrists, Young Republicans, Conservation Proctors, and Model United Nations, discussed various current issues during the first annual Coexist Week, initiated by Aiden Reiter ’16. There was one topic assigned for each day to create a focus point for high quality discussion.Read More

McDougal astonished the audience with her innate musical talent.

McDougal’s Piano Resonates for Last Time at Senior Recital

April 15, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

On Sunday, April 10, Morgan McDougal ’16 amazed crowds in the chapel with her amazing skill at her senior recital. Her variety of abilities at Choate extends from golf to music, but one of her greatest strengths, as those who attended the concert can support, lies in the piano. TheRead More