Other News

In the first article of a series, Esul Burton ’16 begins her exploration of mental health at Choate by examining support systems.

Community Divided on Support Structures

April 8, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

While I was interviewing people for this series on mental health at Choate, I was struck by how diverse the viewpoints regarding the issue were. Almost no one was on the same page about our support systems at Choate, but despite those differences in opinion, the general consensus still seemsRead More

Illustration by Kevin Xie

Backpack Bandit Leaves School Uneasy

April 8, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Eight thefts have occurred on campus within the past two months, and the culprit has yet to be found. In the wake of these thefts, most of which have involved backpacks being stolen from outside the dining hall, the school has implemented several measures aiming to prevent similar events fromRead More

The Beauty of Math

The Beauty of Math

April 8, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

The well-cultured of this world would never dare say anything like “I hate music” or “I hate art.” Sit a woman at a dinner table, and if she can hold a conversation on contemporary literature, taxes, and politics, then she must indeed be a responsible adult. For her to resentRead More

Editorial: Walking a Line

March 31, 2016 at 9:43 pm Comments are Disabled

Now that we, the 110th Editorial Board of The Choate News, have completed our transition the helm of the paper, we would like to thank our predecessors for their support throughout the handover. Your instruction and guidance has allowed us to begin our tenure on a strong footing; in theRead More

You Can Say the “C” Word

March 31, 2016 at 7:43 pm Comments are Disabled

The further we get into the election season, the more space politics takes up in our thoughts and our discussions. This increased political discourse has recently spurred a lot of talk about the lack of conservative voices on campus. While that is definitely not something to take lightly, I thinkRead More

A Letter to the Class of 2016

A Letter to the Class of 2016

March 31, 2016 at 7:37 pm Comments are Disabled

Dear Class of 2016, I remember my last moments on Choate’s campus. I was standing in the doorway of Memorial House Room 304. It was the room I had moved into my freshman year in 2010 and the room that I had spent my senior year in as a MemRead More

REACH Software Simplifies Dorm Sign-Outs

March 31, 2016 at 7:26 pm Comments are Disabled

After around a year of discussion on converting the current seemingly archaic sign-out system to a convenient electronic version, Mr. Morris hopes to implement the REACH Boarding School Software this spring term. Earlier in this school year, Choate had to decide whether or not to use software from REACH orRead More

Choate’s 6106A Robot Victorious

Choate’s 6106A Robot Victorious

March 31, 2016 at 7:22 pm Comments are Disabled

While many Choate students were watching Netflix over spring break, the Choate Robotics Team was competing in a crucial qualifying tournament for the World Championships. During the March 5-6, Choate Robotics Team 6106A, 6106B, 6106C, and 6106D participated in the VEX Southern New England Regional Tournament located in Worcester, Mass.Read More

Choate to Provide Free Tampons

March 31, 2016 at 5:23 pm Comments are Disabled

Upon returning to campus next years, girls may notice a subtle change in the school: there will be dispensers containing free tampons and pads present in the girls’ bathrooms in some buildings. The school plans to install these dispensers in academic buildings, the library, the Winter X, and Archbold overRead More