Other News

Behind the Scenes with Ben Wendel ’17

Behind the Scenes with Ben Wendel ’17

March 31, 2016 at 11:49 am Comments are Disabled

Ben Wendel ’17 is truly a gem. An Arts Concentration student for theater and performance, Wendel has been a powerhouse both behind the scenes and onstage. Since his time in Arts Con, Wendel has developed his skills in stage management, acting, and directing. Known for his theatre expertise, Wendel aptlyRead More

The Spring Break Slump

March 31, 2016 at 11:47 am Comments are Disabled

Many students return from spring break with exhilarating accounts of their adventures in faraway lands. Others have worked ahead and learned course materials through their freshman year of college. Still others have completed daily triathlons or discovered the 119th element in the periodic table. And then, there is me. Here’sRead More

Springtime Wonders and Woes

March 31, 2016 at 11:46 am Comments are Disabled

After a brisk winter full of Netflix, Domino’s Pizza, and unexpected snowstorms, Choate faculty and students are gladly welcoming the warm weather of spring term. Having emerged out of hibernation, the Choate community is once again bustling as people begin to take advantage of Choate’s blossoming campus, breathing in aRead More

Kage’s New Frontier: Explorations at NASA

Kage’s New Frontier: Explorations at NASA

March 31, 2016 at 11:45 am Comments are Disabled

Computer programming: the seemingly incomprehensible series of letters and symbols that lies at the heart of our technology-dependent society. Most take it for granted, but not Patrick Kage ’16. No, Kage has taken his interest and skill in computer science to a whole new level: he is an intern atRead More

GOP Ineptitude Shown in Scotus Blockade

GOP Ineptitude Shown in Scotus Blockade

March 31, 2016 at 11:38 am Comments are Disabled

In the wake of President Barack Obama’s nomination of Chief U.S. Court of Appeals Justice Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy left by the late Justice Antonin Scalia, the Republican-controlled Senate has once again proven itself averse to action and efficiency of any sort with its refusal to vote untilRead More

Black Elitism: A Lingering Affliction

March 31, 2016 at 11:35 am Comments are Disabled

Minority communities have strong bonds that are the manifestations of the common experiences of their members. We commonly cite the Black, Hispanic/Latinx, and the LGBTQIA+ communities as prime examples of this phenomenon. However, there exists a beautiful diversity within these communities, along other lines of cultural identification. With that said,Read More

Iwazaru: Ingenious Improv

Iwazaru: Ingenious Improv

March 27, 2016 at 12:35 am Comments are Disabled

For many people, getting up on a stage without truly knowing what to say is something straight out of a nightmare. For the 11 students who performed in Iwazaru, Choate’s improvisation show, however, it was a situation long sought. During the week of Halloween, Choate students squeezed into the loungeRead More

Anne Frank Tugs at Hearts

Anne Frank Tugs at Hearts

March 27, 2016 at 12:32 am Comments are Disabled

Imagine: it’s 1944 Amsterdam. If you are lucky enough to be able to look through a window, you will see members of the Gestapo strolling through the deserted streets with weapons on their belts and swastikas on the sleeves of their uniforms. It’s a frightening sight, not so fun toRead More

A Snapshot of Bernstein ’16

A Snapshot of Bernstein ’16

March 27, 2016 at 12:31 am Comments are Disabled

Even if you don’t know Rebecca Bernstein ’16, you’ve probably seen her walking around campus, perhaps with a camera in her hand, or maybe you’ve seen her eye-catching work displayed in the PMAC gallery. After all, Bernstein, a four-year senior from Edwards, Colorado, is an Arts Concentration photographer and anRead More