Other News

The Hispanic Latiné Community Needs a Platform, Too

April 23, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

During the recent Community Conversation on Jewish identity, Director of Equity and Inclusion Dr. Rachel Myers announced the topic of the next, and final, Community Conversation of the year. As leaders of the Hispanic Latiné Forum (HLF), we had hoped Dr. Myers would say that the conversation would feature HispanicRead More

Choate Is Big Enough For Both My Brother and Me

Choate Is Big Enough For Both My Brother and Me

April 23, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Photo Courtesy of Cassatt Boatwright/The Choate News I was first introduced to Choate when my older brother, Wesley Boatwright ’22, started applying to high schools. He had just come home from a long and tiring high school fair and threw a stack of boarding school brochures onto my lap. AlthoughRead More

Spring in Bloom

Spring in Bloom

April 23, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Art by Melody Qian ’24 To Melody Qian ’24, spring brings beautiful scenery, bright wildlife, and childlike happiness elicited by the emergence of warm weather after a harsh New England winter. Qian reflects this feeling in her art piece, “Cherry Garcia,” which features a scene that has a deep connectionRead More

Sharp Red

Sharp Red

April 23, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Graphic by Yujin Kim/The Choate News there’s something about you that i will never forget.  i knew you in the fall, barely in the winter,  and i will love you in the spring.  some poppies poke out of the long grass,  climbing up the walls of that old building overRead More

Hidden Away

Hidden Away

April 23, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Graphics by Yujin Kim/The Choate News From the ground, sprout the newly born, With hands so small, carrying the shining morning dew. Ducks quacking and goldfinches chirping, Jumping in creeks and flying up high. “Come join!” They sing, “Come join us.” As she dives in deep, Her throat is stuffed.Read More

Hope Is In the Air

Hope Is In the Air

April 23, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Art by Yuki Zhang ’24 In her drawing, “Messenger of Hope,” Yuki Zhang ’24 depicts the arrival of spring by illustrating a flying squirrel amid a bleak forest, bringing life to its surroundings with just a few touches. Upon contact with the tree trunk, light green branches sprout from theRead More

Lessons Learned From My Feathered Friends

Lessons Learned From My Feathered Friends

April 22, 2021 at 11:27 pm Comments are Disabled

Photo Courtesy of Peter DiNatale Last May, I became the owner of six baby ducklings. Like many others during the quarantine, I was searching for an escape from the emotional burden of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Around the start of that spring, my first instinct was to start a garden. But,Read More

The Truth of the Earth

The Truth of the Earth

April 9, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Graphic by Yujin Kim/The Choate News They stab the earth,  Those cold, metal-souled sticks of iron,  Which hold up our vineyards  And towers but penetrate the ground,  Knife-wound after bullet-wound.  The weeds are signs of despair  And desperation,  Crawling out from shadows and dirt and  Tumbling over each other in anRead More

Covid-19 Upends Recruiting

Covid-19 Upends Recruiting

April 9, 2021 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

Photo courtesy of Vas Konachenkov The cancellation of sports seasons over the past year has left many high school athletes stressed over the college recruitment process. Dead periods, in which college coaches cannot host or visit prospective athletes, were extended for most sports due to Covid-19 guidelines. This put extraRead More